[hider=Miry Ghostheart] [color=d7bcf4][i]“A queen who wears a crown of thorns is still a queen.”[/i][/color] [color=d7bcf4][b]Name:[/b][/color] Mirror "Miry" Ghostheart (formerly Aymiria of Morewen). [color=d7bcf4][b]Age:[/b][/color] Thirteen. [color=d7bcf4][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] The most notable thing about Miry is her height (Or lack thereof). She’s 4 feet, 4 inches tall, and not making many bids to get taller. Her eyes are bluish-violet, her skin fair and unblemished, and hair long, wavy, and dark chocolate brown. Overall her features are delicate and refined, hinting at a noble lineage. She favors tight-fit dark tunics and leggings for her wardrobe, and always wears knee-high black leather boots. Even in summer she will not wear a short-sleeved tunic, and certainly not a dress. [color=d7bcf4][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Miry can best be described as distant. Not that she’s off in the head, she just… doesn’t volunteer information. If one can get her talking, if one can convince her to trust them, she’s very intelligent and has a razor-sharp wit. But getting her to offer up more than the barest information is quite tricky; most of Crescent Dagger thinks that she’s mute. She’s very dependable and reliable, and often acts much older than her age. (Having been raised in a royal court until she was ten, then charged with treason, tortured to a “confession”, disowned, and nearly executed… Needless to say, she’s had to grow up way, way too fast.) Once you can befriend her, she’s a little goofy, and really a very sweet girl, behind all the layers. [color=d7bcf4][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Miry is quite well-versed in poisons and that is her weapon of choice for assassinations. Good at sleight-of-hand and using illusions and tricks of the light, almost being able to sneak something out of a person’s coinpurse without them noticing, even if she’s talking with them face-to-face. She’s decent with a sling but absolutely refuses to use a bladed weapon. [color=d7bcf4][b]Other:[/b][/color] Don’t expect her to tell you, but she’s the younger, disowned daughter of Tseimyen of Morewen, the king of a wealthy (if small) land to the west, the kingdom of Aesiria. Also don’t expect her to show you, but there are meticulously placed knife scars lacing across pretty much her entire body—why she dresses so modestly and hates bladed weapons. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Summer Silvershade] [color=f484bd][i]”A lady is always discreet.”[/i][/color] [color=f484bd][b]Name:[/b][/color] Summer Silvershade (Formerly Kailsey of Prainche) [color=f484bd][b]Age:[/b][/color] Sixteen [color=f484bd][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Summer is about 5 feet, 7 inches tall—Rather taller than average. Her build is slender, though she does have some manner of womanly assets about her. Her hair is dark brown, to the bottoms of her shoulder blades, and is usually tightly braided. Her skin is tan, a smattering of freckles lending to a youthful appearance. Her eyes are her most noticeable feature: one is bright green, the other dark brown. Favoring tight-fitting tunics in light colors and somewhat looser, flowy pants, she still looks very much the part of an acrobat. [color=f484bd][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Summer is endlessly flirty and giggly; it almost seems like she’s drunk, most of the time. She’s giggly and bubbly to the point of being annoying; she often drives Miry and Winter absolutely crazy. But it’s just a façade; the real Summer is deadly. Serious, calculating, and analytical. She tries to keep that side of her personality under wraps, away from the real world. As far as almost everyone knows, she’s just Summer the flirty girl who might have slept with every male her age or older at camp. [color=f484bd][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] An acrobat trained from a very young age, Summer’s nearly-impossible flexibility and dexterity is a weapon in itself. She wields custom-built devices, she calls them her claws. They are basically padded handles with a multitude of long, thin metal blades on them. She grips them in her hands and clenches her hands into fists, the blades stick out between her fingers, and she can throw punches with the added slicing action. Also it should be noted that, as one of the court entertainers, she was expected to entertain people in [i]all[/i] the senses of the word. [color=f484bd][b]Other:[/b][/color] Summer has a tattoo of vines around her wrist, the mark of the Aesirian court’s official teams of acrobats and other entertainers. The vines curl, two tendrils up and two down, vaguely resembling a dancing figure on the inside of her wrist. [b]ALSO: She's not actually related to Winter, she just took the same false surname and poses as his sister.[/b][/hider] [hr] [hider=Winter Silvershade] [color=84f4ec][i]“It’s not honorable. I refuse to stand for it.”[/i][/color] [color=84f4ec][b]Name:[/b][/color] Winter Silvershade (Formerly Larazos of Saindri) [color=84f4ec][b]Age:[/b][/color] Nineteen [color=84f4ec][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Winter stands an impressive six feet, four inches tall. His build is overall muscular, though not terribly bulky. With his dark brown hair ragged and uneven, no two strands the same length, and his tan skin marked by blade scars, he’s quite the intimidating sort. His pale blue eyes are narrow and vaguely reminiscent of a cat’s. [color=84f4ec][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Winter can seem cold, harsh, and unforgiving. He has a very strong sense of morals and generally is rather stiff and unyielding. Rather cynical and jaded, moreso than you’d expect from your average 19-year-old. Something about seeing what happened to Miry made him realize the world wasn’t as great of a place as it was supposed to be. He vowed that he was going to try to make the world better (though he promised this, ironically enough, as a traitor fleeing from the king’s justice.) He doesn’t compromise well and is rather muleheaded about carrying out his own idea of justice. [color=84f4ec][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Having been in training for knighthood, he’s quite proficient with longsword, longbow, glaive, and lance. The three-ish years on the streets have given him proficiency with dagger, sling, and further refined his hand-to-hand combat techniques. [color=84f4ec][b]Other:[/b][/color] Does not approve of Summer’s choice of profession; thinks she would have done much better as one of the Queensguard—the queen’s most trusted ladies-in-waiting who are trained to fight and ride, while still acting like a lady. Also, if you touch Miry in any even vaguely-suggestive way, expect to meet a slow, agonizing death by his blades.[/hider] [hr] I don’t expect politics to play a huge role in this, but just in case, I created Aesiria as a kingdom far to the west, well out of our unnamed land's politics, so I’m not screwing with any of them. My characters are fugitives who have fled the royal court of Aesiria and now come as petty thieves. (If you would like me to I can write up a backstory for the group of them, how they met and their journey across the realm.) Edit: Whoops, pasted an old, half-edited version the first time. Names should be continuous now, also apologies for the coding derp.