[hider=Samantha] Name: Samantha Nickname: Sam Age: 20 Type: Supernatural, slight cyborg human Affiliation: Supernatural whom fights Appearance: Sam is short and slim. Weighing around 100 lbs and standing at 5'2". She has short brown hair. Her eyes are a special hazel, the inside is green, while the outer rim of the iris is a thin stripe of blue. Her arms are robotic/cybernetic. However, they have a synthetic skin over the top, making them look like normal. Her normal choice of clothing is rather tomboy-esq. T-Shirts, shorts or pants, some times a baseball cap, and of course, sneakers. Though she doesn't hate the idea of wearing dresses and feeling pretty, she just doesn't want to get the dress dirty. Personality: Sam is a shy girl. Well, at least shy when it comes to conversation. Not being one to initiate conversation. And obviously being shy around new people. She is a very caring person, even trying to minimize casualties when she fights. Her caring personality even tries to help those that have to be injured. Though she has paid the price once for helping an injured enemy, thus why her arms are cybernetic, yet she still continues. Sam is a firm believer of being treated fairly with humans. She doesn't believe supernaturals should rule the world, or that they are the next evolutionary step. She believes that they are just two different species that should work together. But, she doesn't like the current system either, the fact that her kind are hunted to make consumer goods. So she will fight until that has stopped, and an era of peace arises. Or die trying. Most say she's just some hopeless idiot with stupid ideals of heroism, ideals that will get her killed. But some say otherwise. History: Shortly after Sam was born, she was orphaned. Never having known what is was like to have a mother or father. She lived in an orphanage most her life till 16. Keeping her powers very low key. Only one other person in the orphanage knew of her powers. That was Michael. They grew up together in the orphanage, and considered each other as brother and sister respectively. Michael also had powers, but over time Sam has forgotten what his powers were. All she remembers now is [i]that day[/i] and the desire to save him and others from living in that place till death. And prevent those "scientists" from continuing with their dark plan. Now she fights, hoping her actions distract them from looking for others. She also hopes for a chance to strike at the heart of the problem and end it. She's spent 3 & 1/2 years fighting. She was out of the fight for a whole six months while she rebuilt herself. She doesn't speak of that moment, since it's more of an embarrassment to her then some cool fight story. But once she rebuilt herself, she got right back into the fight. Already mad at herself for taking so long, and staying out for so long. Abilities: Sam can make constructs of technology/machinery. She's also able to change the appearance and function of existing machines/technology, including her own constructs and arms. However, she is limited to a certain number of constructs. 3 at most. Also, the bigger the creation, the more time and energy it takes to make. Thus why she likes to keep and maintain anything she makes, and why she is devastated when one gets destroyed. Modifying something takes much less energy than creation, but can still be time consuming depending on the object in question, and it's initial complexity. Weakness/weaknesses: If Sam herself is struck by electricity the control of her constructs (arms not included) diminishes based on the voltage. Low volts means lag when controlling. High voltage means they can either go into a sort of berserk state for a bit before falling apart, or just fall apart immediately. Other: Loves hugs, but can never initiate a hug. Sam is also a mute, having to speak through her constructs or pen/pencil and paper.[/hider]