[color=FF1493][b]Name:[/b][/color] Talith aka Tori [color=ff1493][b]Nickname:[/b][/color] Mistress, Milady, any other title she happens to give herself [color=ff1493][b]Age:[/b][/color] 2742 (appears to be 26) [color=ff1493][b]Type:[/b][/color] Demon [color=ff1493][b]Affiliation:[/b][/color] neutral. Talith doesn’t really care about the conflict, as long as she and the people who work for her are left alone. However, she will offer sanctuary to anyone who wants it, provided they are willing to work for it. [b][color=ff1493]Appearance:[/color] Glamour appearance (Tori):[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eqMqW8d.jpg[/img] A young, very attractive woman in her mid-twenties, with lightly tanned skin, shoulder length black hair and violet eyes. She has a toned, slightly muscular physique, as though she regularly works out, and is of average height. [b]Natural appearance (Talith):[/b] The same as her glamour, however her eyes possess vertical slit pupils and lightly glow. A pair of ribbed horns emerge just behind her hair line, following along the surface of her scalp, and curling around her skull to end halfway along her jaw in blunt points. All four of her canines are slightly elongated (nowhere near the length of a vampire’s, but still noticeable when she smiles). She has four-toed feet, each toe ending in a short, blunt claw. Her hands are human, also ending in blunt claws. Each limb is covered in tiny greenish-black scales, which transition to human skin along the outside of her shoulder and hip, and the inside of her mid-upper arm and thigh. A prehensile scaled tail emerges just above her butt, approximately the same thickness and length as her leg and tapering to a blunt, slightly curved stinger. She can naturally adjust the sharpness of her claws and stinger, turning them into natural weapons of the same effectiveness as normal animal claws or knives. A pair of amorphous black wings, apparently made of pure darkness, emerge from her back. These wings can alter their size and shape to suit her needs and are nearly indestructible. The maximum size of her wings indicates her current power, and can currently grow to four times her armspan. She can also “sheath” her wings, making them take the form of tattoos running the full length of her back. These tattoos are visible even on her glamour. She also wears a bracelet on her left wrist, and an earring in her left ear. Both are inset with an amethyst. [color=ff1493][b]Personality:[/b][/color] While Talith might look the part of an “evil demon” to human culture, she certainly doesn’t act like it. All she really cares about is having a good time and making sure those she cares about are having a good time as well. She also has a fondness of formalities. Talith loves to make people uncomfortable and exerting her dominance over them, usually by making them refer to her by titles such as “Mistress” or “Milady”, especially when they want something from her. However, she is perfectly willing to use the same epithets in return if she feels they are warranted. While it is true that she does have an actual title (technically she has three, though one would have to do a lot of digging to prove it), it is all mostly done for her own amusement. For all her eccentricities, Talith is a genuinely kind individual. She deeply cares about all the people who come to her for help, taking them in and helping them to achieve better lives (provided they are willing to work). Because her own needs are so small (souls to feed off of and a good fuck), most of her time is dedicated towards others, and as a result the businesses around her club/s tend to flourish as well. She welcomes everyone and judges no one. However, Talith is a demon, and as such has a complete disregard for anyone’s rules except her own. She expects other people to obey them once they are aware of what they are, and the penalty for breaking her rules is death (if you’re lucky). Fortunately, Talith’s rules are simple: don’t mess with her or her people, and inside her club/s, Talith is law. If you want her help, then she will expect something in return (usually this just means working in her club/s for a while). She also has no problems with using her powers to assist in feeding, though she will usually respect a person’s right to consent unless she has gone for a prolonged period of time without feeding. Her formidable force of will, though rarely brought to bear, tends to make people want to obey, or at least respect her, regardless of whether she uses her powers to influence them or not. [color=ff1493][b]History:[/b][/color] In London there sits a club known as Angel’s Embrace. It has born many appearances and many purposes throughout its history: a brothel, a pub, gentleman’s club. In modern times it functions as a strip club, and while it is not extremely well-known (most attribute this to the fact that it’s a little more expensive than most), it remains moderately successful due to its better than average service and consistent clientele. Few of the club’s patrons are aware of the more deviant services offered beneath it. Access to the “Devil’s Den”, as it is known, is usually by invitation only to an exclusive membership, and all invitations must first be accepted by the club’s mysterious Mistress. However, on occasion she is known to permit its usage by adult entertainment companies, albeit always under her indirect supervision. Despite the club’s reputation, it is also known for its respectable treatment of its employees. Whether they are male or female doesn’t matter; everyone is welcome, the pay is better than most other businesses of the same nature, and many who come from poorer backgrounds would even consider it to be a safe haven. It is not uncommon for former employees to return to the club in a different capacity, and some of the club’s regular performers actually live above it. For the opportunities that Angel’s Embrace provides, its openly accepting nature, and the genuine love and care exhibited by its Mistress, those who work at the club are loyal to a fault. Because of the sordid nature of its business, the club’s existence has long been controversial. More than a few attempts have been made to shut it down, however through some manner or another nothing has ever stuck, primarily due to many members of its clientele possessing influential positions in government and civil service. Even physical destruction of the property has failed to be sufficient; somehow, it would always find a way to be rebuilt soon after. Fears that the club would attract other elements of the criminal underworld proved unfounded. Gangs that tried to move into the area and claim the business would suffer losses of high ranking members under mysterious circumstances, and many criminals consider the area to be cursed. As far as most of London is concerned, Angel’s Embrace and the Devil’s Den is here to stay, in one form or another. However, there is one other secret contained within its walls. A secret concerning a particular bartender whose face people can never seem to remember, but nonetheless has apparently been there for as long as anyone can recall. One who seems to know EVERYTHING that happens in and around the club at any given time. Just as Angel’s Embrace has always existed in London, so too has the demon Talith. First emerging (maybe) over 2000 thousand years ago, she originally created the club as a guaranteed food source for herself. Over time, though, it has evolved into her second home, and a magically fortified safe haven for her “playmates”. Every hundred years or so she creates a new identity to pass it on to, since people tend to notice when a business doesn’t change owners over the centuries. Approaching the club is to enter her territory; inside, she is law, and she expects her rules to be followed. On occasion she will reveal her true nature to a trusted individual (which almost always coincides with that person forming a personal relationship with her), and in those situations she is more than happy to demonstrate just what she is capable of. However, as far as most are concerned, Talith is just Tori, the current and beautiful owner of Angel’s Embrace, watching over her domain from behind the bar. Pleasure is her business, and she’s very good at what she does. It would be fair to say that the club stands as a modest monument to her power, and for as long as she lives, it will continue to do so. However, while Talith has always on occasion left to learn about the state of the world (easy to do when one can travel through shadows), within the past three hundred years she has begun expanding her business, opening up several interconnected clubs around the world, all under the same name. Each has begun to develop the same reputation as the original; whether you are male or female, human or not, Angel’s Embrace is a safe haven, as long as you’re willing to work and obey her rules. Talith runs a business, after all, not a charity. [color=ff1493][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] 1. Soul Reaper: Talith’s power and strength will steadily increase by harvesting soul energy. Most often she does this passively by absorbing energy from people within 20 feet of her, however this occurs very slowly and with no noticeable effects on the targets. Alternatively, she can drain at a much faster rate through physical contact. Depending on the rate at which she drains, the target will weaken until they either break contact with her, she chooses to stop, or she fully consumes their soul, erasing them from existence. Fully consuming a soul gives her a massive power boost. She is also sensitive to emotions, as it gives the energy she absorbs “flavour”. 2. Shadow Essence: being composed of darkness, Talith can manifest and mold it into physical objects such as weapons, tools and armour at will. However, anything she creates will disperse into harmless shadows after a few seconds if it leaves physical contact with her. She can also merge with darkness, allowing her to become intangible and travel through it (however, this cannot be done with her own shadow). It is through this ability that she can access her “home”. 3. Erotoxin: As a demon, Talith’s body naturally produces a highly potent, albeit nonlethal toxin, which allows her to manipulate the emotional states of those exposed to it. This toxin can be applied in two forms: secreted into the air as a pheromone, or injected/ingested via her stinger or bodily fluids. The pheromone is the weaker method, simply inducing particular feelings in those exposed and affecting their perception of Talith, depending on whether or not she wants to be noticed (if she doesn’t, then she appears to be forgettably generic; if she does, then she appears utterly irresistible). The purer, more concentrated form is much more potent, overwhelming the subject’s senses and making them extremely compliant to Talith’s will. Exposure to the pure toxin is very difficult to resist, requiring immense willpower. Both forms are very unstable, breaking down completely within an hour. While a demon could technically induce any emotional state, over time their toxin evolves according to their particular tastes; Talith's affinity is lust. [color=ff1493][b]Weakness/weaknesses:[/b][/color] Demons are unusual in that they do not actually “die” in the way most people think of it. Their bodies are physical projections of their essence and will, and can recover from most injuries. Additionally, the longer a demon lives, the more soul energy they will have gathered over their life, and so the more powerful they become. As a result, they are very difficult to kill. However, if they take sufficient amounts of punishment, then they will “die”, dissolving into shadows and returning to their “home” (although, like with most creatures decapitating them is a shortcut). Eventually they will reform a physical body, however they will have lost most of the power they had accumulated over their previous life, along with all of their memories. However, the reformation process can take decades or even centuries. Additionally, angelic power or weapons that have been imbued with the same qualities as an angel can inflict greater harm than any other kind of weapon, hampering the recovery of their body. The only way to permanently kill a demon is for someone else (usually another demon) to consume their essence. This will result in a “tug-of-war” between the two personalities; the loser ceases to exist (along with their home), and the winner keeps the body (which will reshape to match the current personality) and all the loser’s power. [color=ff1493][b]Other:[/b][/color] -the bracelet she wears contains the glamour spell that she uses to hide her demon traits when in public. Removing the bracelet will disperse the spell. -Her earring is enchanted so that she can be contacted wherever she happens to be in the world. It is linked to specially made bracelets, which are usually given to whomever she assigns to manage her clubs. -Talith adores sour candies, the stronger the better; bringing her some is a good way to get on her good side -while she is pansexual, but she has a stronger affinity towards girls -Due to the fact that she is not originally from this world, Talith can always access her “home”, a sort of pocket dimension from which she originates. Inside her “home” she has absolute power, and it can only be accessed by her. She is able to take other individuals there, usually either for “play time”, or to place them in her Wall of Memories; a collection of people whom she finds particularly interesting for whatever reason. Those placed within the Wall are in permanent stasis, allowing her to feed off their souls for as long as she lives. If Talith were to permanently die, then her “home” would cease to exist, along with everything and everyone inside it.