[center][h3][color=00a99d]Piccolo[/color] & [color=fff79a]Gohan[/color] [u]Gohan's Training Grounds[/u][/h3] [@Jin Of Mana][/center] Piccolo tensed slightly as he watched a figure close in on them, without a doubt it was the one he sensed. Gohan narrowed his eyes slightly, though he couldn't help but shiver a little in worry, he knew that he'd have to fight the saiyans, but he didn't know who was coming towards them. As the stranger came to a stop before front flipping to land on the ground Piccolo studied the being with trained eye's, while Gohan gulped nervously. The namekians first impression of the guy wasn't a positive one as the guy more or less told them to tell him about earth and her people. [color=00a99d]"and just who are you to ask that..."[/color] Piccolo inquired with a look of annoyance, while Gohan was beginning to lose his nerve under the strangers stare. [color=00a99d][i]'I can't let my guard down, for all we know he might be one of the saiyans who's just scouting out the area...'[/i][/color] The look the stranger was giving went unnoticed by Piccolo as he prepared to fight at a moments notice, meanwhile Gohan was growing tired of the look this guy was giving him. Gohan's brow furrowed a he balled his fists, the fur on his tail standing on end. [color=fff79a]"stop staring at me like that!"[/color] Gohan exclaimed with a look of anger, Piccolo's eyes widened slightly as he looked over his shoulder to look to his student at his bold outcry towards this stranger. Though that anger quickly dispersed as the boys stern expression turned soft. [color=fff79a]"please..."[/color] Piccolo grit his teeth slightly before he looked at the stranger with a no nonsense stare, awaiting his reply. Though his attention seemed somewhere else as he looked into the sky in the distance, towards the east. [color=00a99d]"they're here..."[/color] He said to himself as he furrowed his brows. [center][h3]Korin [u][Korin's Tower][/u][/h3] [@Weird Tales] [@Holy Soldier][/center] Korin seemed slightly unnerved when the dog spoke finding it somewhat strange a dog spoke at all, then again he was a talking cat. Putting aside his worry after leaning that this wolf he thought was a dog was actually a beastman, he listened to him while thinking to himself. [i]'a beastman huh? well I suppose it's not the strangest thing to appear at my tower'[/i] As he pondered this he was wrenched from his thoughts as yet another beastman appeared and landed inside his tower. [i]'sure come on in, it not like I have a bell or something for you to ring...'[/i] Korin thought as he let out a quiet sigh before he put his left hand behind his back while holding his staff with his right. His right ear twitched as he listened to the two beastmen, it appeared that they were in a bit of a predicament and needed answers, of which they looked to him for. He let out a slightly nervous chuckle as he scratched his head. "uh... I don't know what to tell ya, you cant just go to a strangers tower and expect them to know the answers to your problems..." He said honesty before both his ears twitched slightly, and a look of worry came over him as he walked to the railing of his tower and look to the sky. "and besides... I don't think your problems are the biggest to worry about right now..." Korin said as his ears droopped a little, letting his sentence end as he noticed five faint twinkling lights far off in the sky. [center][h3][color=pink]Majin Eve[/color] [u]Central Capitol[/u][/h3][/center] Majin had reached the City she had spotted a while back, slowly she descended to one of the City's many sidewalks. The sight of a pink skinned person just floating down to the ground had caused a little disturbance amongst the people who were just walking along. Though she couldn't help but overhear the small comments made about her she wouldn't let it bother her, she had more important things on mind then letting the words of others bother her, at least not at the moment. As Eve walked along she tried asking some people if they would be able to help her, but it seemed no one wanted to help, much less look at her. Feeling a little down Mejin Eve walked into a park an sat down on a bench before she let out a small sigh. "hmm, pardon me, but it sounds like you're troubled" A little startled Majin Eve whipped her head to her right to notice a man with ragged looking clothing come sit on the bench with her, he looked to her with a warm smile. [color=pink]"well... I kind of am..."[/color] She said honestly as she looked down to the cobblestone path in front of the bench. The ragged clothed man frowned slightly as he listened. [color=pink]"I've tried to ask around... but nobody seems to want to help me..."[/color] "well... what's the problem?..." Majin Eve looked to the man with slightly upturned brows as she sat up. [color=pink]"it's just... I don't know what's going on, I woke up in a forest not to far from here but... I don't know how I got there, or where here is... I don't remember anything before waking up... and my head hurts when I try to remember what happened... I'm lost..."[/color] She said as she looked back to the cobble path, the rugged clothed man rubbed his chin as he looked to Eve with thought. He then chuckled as he smiled to her. Upon hearing him chuckle Eve look to him with curious eyes, wondering what he found was funny. "sounds to me like you might have bumped your head and got yourself amnesia" [color=pink]"... am-nes-ia?..."[/color] "yup, it's... nothing too much to worry about... there's good news and bad news about it though..." Majin Eve gulped in slight worry. [color=pink]"and what's that bad news?..."[/color] "bad news first huh? well... to be blunt, in the worst case scenario... you won't remember what happened to you ever before you got it... so that about the just of that..." [color=pink]"and the good news?..."[/color] "the good news is that's it, that's the worst that could happen, well at least I'm guessing in your case, I'm pretty sure I've never heard of Pink people with tentacle hair before, so it might be inconsiderate but I kind of doubt you'd have any family to worry about getting back too..., you may have forgotten what happened to you to have you end up in the forest, but the point now is that your still you, and your here now, so don't go worry about the past because what's done is done and it cant be changed, you've got to look toward the future cause you got your whole life ahead of you" Though having listen to the stranger Majin Eve could help but think upon what he said, after a few moments of consideration she smiled and looked back to the stranger to thank him, only, when she looked to where he was, he wasn't there anymore. To this Majin Eve's eyes widened in confusion before she looked around for any sight of the stranger. [color=pink]"what? where'd he go?..."[/color] She asked before she stood up from the bench and gave one last quick glance around the park. After a moment of doing so she frowned slightly before she hovered up into the air above the city skyscrapers. [color=pink]"well, if I can't remember what the world looks like, it ought to be like an adventure to explore it!"[/color] She thought out loud before flying south from Capitol City, not noticing the five streaks of light speeding across the sky. [center][h3][color=crimson]Amber[/color] [u]Heading east from where Roshi fought the demon king Piccolo[/u][/h3] [@Slendy][/center] As Amber Flew east, she began to feel something, slowly she brought her flight to a halt as she closed her eyes and concentrated. She could feel a presence closing in towards her location, she didn't know what it was, but she wasn't about to let herself get attacked by what ever wild animals lived in this part of the world without putting up a fight. She was still convinced she was lost somewhere nearby her kingdom, as she had just spotted the tips of mountains in the distance, she was certain that her home was there. She wasn't going to allow some wild beast to bring a stop to her getting home. Suddenly a chill rand down her spine as she felt something terrible, she couldn't explain it but she new that whatever it was, was dangerous. Amber looked up to the sky and noticed fire shining lights glint in the distance as the descended on the horizon. [color=crimson]"I have a really bad feeling about this..."[/color] She said through gritted teeth as she hovered in place. [center][h3][color=blue]Vegeta[/color] & [color=fff200]Nappa[/color] [u]Entering Atmosphere[/u][/h3] [@Stryder][/center] Nappa visibly recoiled in his pod when he heard Kental's order, he grit his teeth furiously as a tic mark appeared on his head. [i][color=fff200]'grr, little runt, I was second in command before he came along'[/color][/i] The bald saiyan thought to himself as he leaned back in the chair installed in the pod. Vegeta couldn't help but grin a little after hearing what transpired. He then opened a private line to Kental's pod comms. [color=blue]"easy there Kental, I know he may be worthless, but he's still our saiyan brother"[/color] Vegeta said calmly as the pods broke atmosphere and sped towards East Capitol. [center][h3][u]East Capitol[/u][/h3][/center] It was a beautiful day outside, bird were singing, flowers were blooming, but it all changed when the Saiyan pods landed. The sound of five sonic booms shook the air before five saiyan pods slammed though any buildings that got in their way before they came to a stop in the streets relatively near each other. The road where the pods landed had huge craters in them from the impacts of the pods. Bystanders began to crowd around the pods as they began making their own speculations. While the citizens conversed the Princes pod door opened up, alongside Nappa's, the Bald saiyan was the first to get up fully and stand to his full height before floating out of his pods crater and landing on the street, Vegeta shortly followed his example after. Nappa was stretching his legs a little, which was fallowed by working the stiffness out of his arms, he shortly took notice of the civilians watching them. Vegeta stood with a small grin as he looked at the bewildered crowd before them, his arms crossed while doing so. [color=fff200]"hmm... so what should we do with these gawking fools?, they bother me, heh..."[/color] Nappa said with a small grin as he looked around the crowd. Vegeta grinned as he took one last look at the crowd before them. [color=blue]"oh I don't know, hey Wolf, do you think we should let Nappa decide for once?..."[/color] Vegeta asked Wolf, his grin still present as he looked to Wolf who he assumed was already getting out his own pod by now.