Hello, I'm new to this site but not to role-playing. I am looking to possibly do a few casual to advanced 1x1 rps.I am not really picky as I am really laid back with length as long as I have something to work with. I really enjoy plot building and character sheets but that's not a neccesity to roleplay with me. Personally it just helps me to organize my thoughts but ultimately I just love the intertwining of our character interactions. Now, I don't have any rules or limits so to speak. I only ask that you contribute at least half as much effort as I do to our story. As far as pairings go, I do fxf or mxf but I am open to mxm if you'll bare with me seeing as I have little experience with that. That being said, I enjoy romance but only if it's natural and not forced. Typically I do anything involving: Vampires Werewolves Witches/Wizards Elves Demons Angels Apocalyptic But I'm open though I am no good at fandom unless I can play an oc. Anyway I look forward to role-playing here ^^