[hider=Benjamin Wyatt Kincaid] [Center]Name: Benjamin Wyatt Kincaid Fake Name: Ben Reilly (Current alias, keeping the same first name makes things less confusing for him but he changes his fake last name when he changes cities) Nickname: Benji Age: 27 Type: Supernatural Being (Werewolf) Affiliation: Supernatural whom tries to hide and keep to himself but frequently ends up fighting Appearance: [Hider=Human][IMG] http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/Kris-Holden-Ried-04-409x600.jpg [/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Half Shift][IMG] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/55/eb/14/55eb14972818e1ab103654c43e17151f.jpg [/IMG][/Hider] [Hider=Werewolf][IMG]http://www.blogcdn.com/wow.joystiq.com/media/2010/12/worgentitle.jpg[/IMG][/Hider][/Center] Personality: As a friend or ally Benji is one of the most loyal men you will ever met, he’d do anything to help a fellow supernatural being and cares about those he sees as his people. He is fierce in a fight, unafraid to put himself at risk for another and hates to give up or back down. His hate for the scientists that use supernatural beings is absolute and felt with every fiber of his being. He doesn’t trust humans and hates those he sees using products made from supernaturals. Benji doesn’t trust easily and he can be a bit paranoid from a life on the run but when he does put his faith in someone that trust is almost unconditional. Benji tends to react on impulse, he has never been one to rely on wits or rational thinking and will always make the choice he believes to be morally right over one that is smart or safer. History: Benji grew up in a small rural town in Montana, he was the middle child out of three boys and had a younger sister as well. His family was very close and they enjoyed having a lot of free space to run and play both as human and as werewolves. His siblings and he were homeschooled, with a strong emphasis on training to control and understand the wolf within. His family had been werewolves for as long back as anyone could remember and followed many ancient traditions and rites that helped them access their full potential. This sort of intense training does not always go well and his younger brother lost himself to the wolf and was put down by the pack leader; Benji’s father. While it necessary for the entire family’s protection and to keep werewolves a secret, this event destroyed his father who lost himself to drinking. One night while his father was drunk he bragged about his abilities to man who had been trying to pick a fight with him. That drunken boast of being a werewolf caught the attention on a man in the bar who turned out to be a scientist on the hunt for supernaturals. Benji was sixteen at the time and he was the only member of his family to escape the night black vans came for his family. For the next few years he moved around constantly while he tried to stealthily find others like him and find out what happened to his family. It wasn’t long before he learned of the scientific experiments and where all of humanities advances came from. Benji was disgusted to learn that human scientists were using supernatural beings for these frivolous products. He grew to hate humans and his anger culminated one night when he slaughtered a human woman in an alley. The woman had been wearing a werewolf fur coat, which smelled a lot like his mother, and he lost control of his anger. He travelled halfway across the country to avoid being linked to his crime but he felt a strong sense of satisfaction with the crime itself; like he had started to avenge his family. He has tried to stick to himself, just get by and keep moving to avoid drawing attention to himself but when he sees a black van he can’t help but check for scientists preying on supernaturals. He tries not to go looking for trouble but tends to find it anyway. Abilities: Benji has the power to shapeshift into the fiercest of beasts; a terrifying hybrid of wolf and man known to most as a werewolf. His werewolf form is faster, stronger, more durable, and with heightened senses and reflexes. As a man, Benji is stronger than most with an excellent sense of smell and hearing and strong intuition for sensing danger. He can shift at will but does this only when necessary due to the problems associated with it and the attention it draws. He can also partially shift giving him fanglike canines, bright yellow eyes, and sharp claws. While a partial shift allows him more control but less power it still draws more attention than he usually wants. Weakness/weaknesses: The trouble with being a werewolf is that most of their weaknesses are well known as part of popular lore, like being highly allergic to silver and Wolfsbane. Wolfsbane is extremely poisonous and usually causes a slow and painful death with just a moderate dose. Silver causes burning and blistering with prolonged skin contact as well as general weakening of a werewolf’s abilities and silver in the bloodstream can be anywhere from debilitating to deadly. To kill a werewolf one does not need a silver bullet to the heart although they do the trick, but just about anything that would take out a large animal would work on a werewolf. The werewolf form itself can be an issue as well; the werewolf form draws attention and their pelts fetch a high price. The longer he stays in his beast form the harder it becomes to control the animal instincts and there is the danger that he could lose his humanity to the beast. The light of the full moon demands that Benji transform into a werewolf and on that night it is extremely difficult to control the wolf’s instincts. He occasionally shackles himself up on those nights or give himself an extremely small dose of Wolfsbane, enough that it looks like really bad food poising, in order to suppress the change. When he finds himself in places with a large forested area he allows himself to run free as a werewolf, to hunt and struggle to keep control as a mental exercise and to appease the wolf within. Other: Benji has a variety of wolf-like idiosyncrasies. He has a strong prey drive hardwired in him when he sees small animals, especially cats, it takes a lot of self-control not to chase them. Cats, sensing the wolf in him, hate him just as much as he hates them. He always bonds naturally to dogs who see him as an alpha presence. After a meal he tends to absentmindedly chew on any leftover bones and he enjoys red meat. He enjoys beer and dark liquor but hates wine as it gives him headaches. Benji loves the outdoors and gets anxious with too much time spent inside or being stationary. His werewolf form is just under 7’ tall on his hind legs while his human form is 6’3. He is naturally athletic with lean muscle and has a tattoo of a tribal styled wolf howling on his upper left arm. He dresses causally favoring jeans, button up shirts and leather jackets. He never uses scented products as they mess with his sense of smell. [/hider] [hider=Charlie Novak][Center] Name: Charles Gaius Novak Nickname: Charlie Age: 23 Type: Human Affiliation: Human Scientist, but with serious moral doubts Appearance: [hider][IMG] http://sev.h-cdn.co/assets/cm/15/09/54ee8d259641d_-_the-internship-large.jpg [/IMG][/hider][/center] Charlie is 5'9, lean but not scrawny, and in good health. He dresses very casually and is usually wearing a beanie hat even at work although it's technically against the dress code. He wears glasses, can't see anything that's not right in front of his face without them, and hates contacts; the thought of anything touching his eye kind of freaks him out. Personality: Charlie is a fairly sarcastic but good natured young scientist. He tends to be very naïve, trusts people easily, and takes what people tell him to be the truth. He’s a terrible liar and a very honest person so he just assumes others would, generally, be the same. He doesn’t really have a temper and while he’s not easily offended when people do upset him or get on his bad side he just tries to keep his distance from them. He doesn’t like conflict or talking about problems, Charlie prefers to ignore it and hope it goes away. He almost never talks about his problems to other people, he doesn’t want to bring people down and likes to figure things out on his own. He’s friendly, likes to talk to people, and can be a bit more talkative than most people want. Charlie tries to be a good person, he got into science because of his love of knowledge and his desire to help people. He isn’t usually brave, he doesn’t generally like to take risks or be involved in dangerous activities. He has a strong fondness for most things geeky especially the scifi and horror genres, classic arcade games and superhero comics. History: Charlie had a fairly normal and happy upbringing, his father was a surgeon and his mother a very successful lawyer. He was always interested in science and his parents, being well off intellectuals, made sure he got into the right schools and had the right tutors and even skipped a year in middle school. He got into a good college and majored in Biology and after he finished his Bachelor’s he got a job at one of the top research facilities in country. He was ecstatic, this lab was putting out all the top new products and he was excited to be involved with this groundbreaking new science. The pay was descent, the hours allowed him to continue his education in a graduate program, and with just the right about of Red Bull, he was able to balance both of them pretty successfully, as long as he didn’t try to have a social life on top of it. An added bonus was Charlie really looked up to both Dr. Eric McConnel and Dr. Graham Silas, he’d read a lot of their published papers, admired their skill as scientists, and the amazing breakthroughs they had made. Things were going well for about a two years, he had a low level clearance and didn’t really understand everything that went on in the lab. Shortly after he got his Master’s degree he got a promotion, he got his security clearance raised and was taken to observe some of the supernaturals that they got active ingredients from. He’d always thought the talk of supernaturals and the weird ingredients was a code to keep the real ingredients a secret from corporate espionage or something. Charlie was a man of science, so of course he didn’t think that fairy dust was a real thing. He was trained on proper extraction methods from various parts of the supernaturals all the while his co-workers and supervisor reassured him that these were not people, they were monsters that hurt people. He believed them at first, seeing a fully transformed werewolf in a rage or a unicorn trying to skewer a scientist you’d start to believe the stories the others told him as well as the stories from myths about these creatures. The science itself was fascinating and groundbreaking, enough to keep Charlie from asking too many questions, at least for a while. This was a job that could lead him to a very bright future and he truly wanted to make his employer happy, but every day at work he heard the screams. Supernatural creatures crying out in fear, torment, and who knows what else and his mid-level clearance was surely only the tip of the iceberg of what was going on in the lab. What he saw and did every day began to eat at him and the first time he saw remains fed to the Wendigo he nearly fainted. During his work he got to know one of supernaturals, a young fairy child, from who they drew blood regularly, though he’d never admit it to the other scientists he had become almost friends with her. He would sneak her extra provisions, books to read in her cell, small children’s toys and do other low key kindnesses. Then one day she was gone; her wings had finally grown in, and the stress from the extraction along with the constant blood draws had been too much. Charlie couldn’t deny the cruelty of the labs any longer, she had been a child and he was complicit in her death. These weren’t beasts or monsters, they were basically people just a bit different. He still hasn’t decided what he’s going to do, this was his dream job with the country’s greatest scientists and throwing this opportunity away could destroy any chance of a career. On the other hand the things he’s seen have been horrible and he has found it difficult to sleep or concentrate on his studies, he has just begun working on getting his PhD, but all he can think about is his guilt. Abilities: His main skill is his intelligence, he’s book smart, a fast learner and good with science. While he’s not a fighter or very physically strong he does work out, mostly cardio, so he’s fast and can run for a good while. He’s also good with people; empathetic, a good listener and someone who many people naturally trust. Weakness/weaknesses: Well in his line of work his personal morality and belief in what is right is a serious weakness. He’s not particularly strong, he’s never used a gun or really any weapon and has never even been in a fight. Working full time, going to school full time and drinking a lot of caffeine have wreaked a bit of havoc on his common sense and he’s frequently scatterbrained. He’s also fairly claustrophobic, and terrified of the Wendigo. Sure the others at work say it won’t harm them as long as it’s well fed but its teeth are huge and there’s nothing but hunger in its eyes. His vision is also terrible without his glasses. Other: Charlie has a [s]slight[/s] major caffeine addiction.[/hider]