A few minutes had passed - in that time frame their targeted ship had been forced to dock - before an acknowledging response returned over the comms. “[i]Enforcer One[/i], your codes check out, however under Protocol 118-AF-03, we are required to commence with the inspection of the [i]Milano[/i], and once completed, they will be released to you with no further involvement on our part.” “Eh...copy that Control. I can see you’ve already made that decision. About how long for this ‘inspection’?” The Agent’s tone was anything was patient at this point, but he knew there was no other way to expedite the process. He checked the chrono readout and it appeared more time had passed than he thought, which already put him further behind his intended schedule. “It may be only a few minutes, however, we will advise once the process is completed.” “Understood.” Gavon kept his composure, regardless of the fact the he wanted to strangle the representative on the other end. But he knew this was typical protocol, and a smart choice on their part, considering anything outside of that would most likely cause suspicion among the crew of smugglers. He stepped away from the communication console and took a seat at the helm next to E-V, who was busily recalibrating new tracking modules and running a routine systems check, focused primarily on the hyperdrive to ensure a quick jump to lightspeed when the time presented itself. “So now we wait for the inspection.” The Agent mumbled to himself, provoking a response from E-V’s rotors as its head turned to face him, but immediately returned to the console holoscreen. Gavon tried to hide a grin. “Sorry E-V, I was talking to myself again...”