And so the burden of shouldering Shakti singlehandedly was partially lifted due to the newfound assistance from Winnie. The Garcia girl sighed with a touch of relief that she wouldn't be assisting Shakti alone. But it appeared that to be a matter which Camila would not have to deal with for much longer. This would be due to the fact that Shakti managed to have stamina about her. Seeing the girl in an unharmed and unhindered state warmed Camila del Rosario's heart for a variety of reasons. And so Camila smiled, before returning her primary focus in heading to that site the girl in blue wanted them to get to. Camila glanced between Shakti and Winnie as they had a spot of conversation. This reminded her of something she needed to do; and so Camila looked towards Winnie. "Camila by the by. Thanks for helping! Oh while I'm on thanking..." With that said, Garcia focused on Shakti. "Hey don't forget to thank us when we get there would ya?"