[color=Orange][u][b]Kental[/b][/u][/color] The saiyan warrior let out an upset grumble when Vegeta spoke, telling him to realize that they were all still on the same team. [color=orange]"Yes Vegeta..."[/color] He spoke with an audible backing of attitude, soon the pods crashlanded into East Capitol. As the dust settled, Kental exited his pod, standing outside of it before floating up alongside Nappa, Kaddish soon Following suit and landing beside Kental. [color=Blue][u][b]Kaddish[/b][/u][/color] Kaddish's sky blue eyes focused on each little detail of her surroundings, amazing by it all to be truthful, these humans, they looked so much like saiyans, just without tails. Her own tail curiously swayed to the side, causing some people stare and call her out of her name as a freak of nature. It made her angry but she didn't have it in her to do anything about it. [color=Purple][u][b]Wolf[/b][/u][/color] Wolf took his side by Vegeta, his arms crossed as his resting glare fixed on the humans, a smirk lining his face as he watched them all. [color=Purple]"Hm, just this once..."[/color] Wolf spoke in response to the prince, grinning some, knowing Nappa had planned on wiping them out of existence.