[hr][hr][center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mauriah%20Jones&name=Claudette%20aime%20le%20Chocolat.ttf&size=100&style_color=d60f74[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] The Beach, her room, the Main Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Wadsworth and Everyone else[hr][/center] Mauriah managed to pull herself out of the pit of despair she fell into upon seeing that her dumb twin brother happened to go on the exact same Speed Dating trip she had booked months ago. What were even the chances of that happening? 1 in a billion? Talk about shitty luck. All she had to do was focus on the positives, like the fact that she (probably) wouldn't have to spend a lot of time around her brother on this one week vacation. After all, he might be a blockhead, but he was well aware of the Rules. He would know what would happen if he decided to get overly involved in her business. There were also the men, most of them pretty attractive. A lot of tall white men, most of them a couple years older than her. Out of all of them, maybe three were below 6 feet tall, and only the Asian guy could be considered short, at least shorter than Mauriah, who was rather tall as it stood. Then there was the fact that no matter what happened, this would be a one week vacation away from work in Africa of all places. So even if the whole trip ends up being a bust, it would be an experience she could say she had and maybe get a good story or two out of. All in all, it could be worse. Mauriah followed the rest of the group, listening to Wadsworth explain all the attractions the island had and about the procedures that they'd need to follow. In the back of her mind, she thought [i]Too late[/i] when he brought up that the group shouldn't talk to each other. 26 years too late, really. Still when one of the other women, Clem complained about how dumb the rule was when they had already been put together into one group and interacted some, Mauriah verbally agreed with an "Mmhmm." When Mauriah stepped into her room, she found herself subconsciously analyzing the room from an architectural standpoint. It was visually composed of wood or wood-looking materials to make the room feel warm, inviting and living. Large picture windows to better frame the view and make the viewer feel- Mauriah shook her head. No. None of that. She was here to relax, not to work. Tonight she was going to have fun, dammit. Most of her two hours before round 1 (with Darren) was spent redoing her make up and deciding on what two wear from the clothes she brought over to the resort. In the end she decided on a [URL=http://www.distracttv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/missy-elliott.jpg]black suit with tiger stripe pattern on the inside with a matching undershirt.[/URL] Not usual date wear, but if she was going to meet someone, it would be best if they got used to her sense of style ASAP. She also just really liked the suit. It could be really professional or casual at the same time. When she got to the Main Room, Mauriah found that she was the third person from the group to actually get there. Maybe she could have spent a bit more time getting ready. Being one of the first people to get to a party sucked. This wasn't a party, but the concept still applied. She found her table and took a seat, waiting for the others to show up. [hr][hr][center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Maurice%20Jones&name=Crazy%20Rascals.ttf&size=100&style_color=FF0000[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Beach->His Room->Main Room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Himself, Wadsworth, Everyone else[hr][/center] Maurice followed behind the group, holding up the back. He didn't really pay attention to Wadsworth's droning about features and rules. It was probably information readily available elsewhere, like on the website, or in a travel guide detailing all of these no doubt fun attractions that littered the island. Maurice focused more on not smashing his head into a door post or errant light fixture. It happened often enough that it was always something he tried to look out for. It would also be really embarrassing to go through in the context of messing up in front of a crowd of potential mates. And just like that, Wadsworth left to do Wadsworthy things. One card swipe later, and Maurice was in his room. He dropped his bags and spent 10 good seconds just taking it in. The place was very yellow. Yeah there was a bit of blue here and there, but yellow was definitely the dominating feature. Maurice's two hours were very lax. He stood at the window and breathed in that oceany, salty beach air that he never really got much of as a child. He played a couple games of Pokemon online with his 3DS. He just laid on his back on the bed for 15 minutes. Then he noticed he had 10 minutes left before the first round would start. He didn't bother changing out of his white t-shirt and baggy khaki shorts. This was supposed to be a casual first round of getting to know everyone, right? No need to get all dressed up. That was what he thought until he got to the main room and saw everyone had put some effort into their appearances. Oh well, too late now. Maurice plopped down in his seat and waited.