[Center] [H1][color=Lightblue]Light[/color][/h1] [/center] Touring around the metropolis that Light later found out was named East City was an interesting experience. Of course there wasn't much she could do, having no money herself and only finding out that money was important when she entered a few shops, mostly food stores and the like. Due to this, she ended up having most of her fun in the park. While for the most part people left her alone and went on their own business, she did get some attention when she turned a couple pigeons into giant lolipops, giving one to a nearby child before walking off with a few of her own. Eventually however Light saw streaks in the sky, and soon after, a loud crashing sound as something hit the earth. Curious, she made her way to investigate what people were calling a meteor landing. When she got there, she saw a few people with tails, one with super spiky hair, coming out of some metal spheres. While the nearby crowd looked on in fear, Light casually walked up to the group, saying a friendly [color=lightblue]"Hello!"[/color] to them. She wasn't too worried about them, except for the one, but he seemed to have a 'don't care' attitude.