[i]Huh. These buildings seem to be very flimsy.[/i] Sythis thought to himself as he heard the sound of angry voices behind him as he ran out of the kitchen with both arms loaded down with cooked meat. He rapidly dodged and jumped over angry servers as he headed for the doorway he had inadvertently created while trying to sneak inside the building. [i]Okay. Trying to push the door off the hinge was apparently not the way to go.[/i] He thought as he launched himself into the air and he began to chow down on some of the cooked meat. He closed his eyes and smiled in genuine happiness as he flew through the air. [i]Mmmmm...tastes even better then it smelled. I like how they cook on this world.[/i] He thought as he finished the meat and let out a happy sigh. All thoughts of the meal he had just partaken of vanished a moment later as his scouter activated. [i]Power signatures...quite a few of them to be exact. What's going on here?[/i] He wondered as five new power signatures suddenly appeared on the display. According to the scouter, they had shown up near a large city. He narrowed his eyes. The power levels were quite high and based on his experiences on the hell-hole of a world he had spent the majority of his life on, high power levels almost always meant trouble. Sythis turned towards the five new power signatures and flew towards them at high speed with a determined frown on his face.