[center][h1][color=f7976a]Jenna Connor[/color][/h1][/center] [center][hider=Jenna Connor][img]http://s20.postimg.org/6nqo4pl65/images_q_tbn_ANd9_Gc_QV_DGK6_Xp2qc_I1_Rs_Mg0s54_YHz_K2pp.jpg[/img][img]http://s20.postimg.org/xa34topd9/images_q_tbn_ANd9_Gc_Rp_VJd_Sc_BMlh2b_R3_Dg_Fdb_Vl6_Ij_J_D.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Jenna had just gotten through with a modelling shoot and was on vacation at home. She travelled so much it felt good just to be home. She had tossed her stuff in her bag and went to her aerobics class. She had stopped at Dunkin Donuts and gotten some for the girls in her class. Hey she had a month off she could indulge for once. After class she went into the locker room and showered. She had seen enough horror movies and dealt with enough photographers to know that you don't take a shower anywhere in a public place without a weapon nearby. Too many creeps tried to take liberties that weren't theirs to take. Jenna had turned towards the door of the room when she heard the door open. When she heard the shuffling walk and the strange breathing noises she assumed it was someone very ill or some of the guys in the building playing a joke on her but she put a towel on and grabbed her gun. When the walker became visible to her she looked closely and saw the blood, the vacant look in the eyes and the rotting flesh and she aimed for the leg. It hit but didn't deter the creature so she hit twice more, once in the heart and once in the head. She stayed away from the body and hurriedly put some clothes on. Staying close to the wall she had made her way to the nearest door to the outside of the building. She peaked out and was astonished to see the chaos outside.[color=f7976a] "Oh my god!"[/color] she said. [color=f7976a]"What the hell is going on?"[/color] She screamed while another walker grabbed her arm and she shot him in the head. Jenna put her bag around her neck and dashed through the door to the outside where she realized quickly she wasn't going to get very far. She jumped into her car and got only a few blocks away before she had to abandon it near the high school. Jenna grabbed her bag out of the seat and ran into the school. The doors were pull only so the walkers couldn't follow her in since she held it til it closed.