Hello there fine folks! In my searches far and wide I have once more come upon this establishment. My love of roleplay has gone unexpressed for sometime due to my lack of a medium. Lol but in all seriousness howdy there. I'm a long time rper but through the medium of World of Warcraft and a different website I shan't name. Due to various difficulties I have been unable to access those other mediums for quite some time and my thirst for rp goes unquenched. I'm really just looking for a laid back chill community to rock out all kinds of fun times with. My Forte includes extensive world of Warcraft lore knowledge XD not that I'm sure if that's even an interest here. But just in general I enjoy sci fi and fantasy styled things. Some dystopian/eutopian as well. Most times I'm up for anything that I can get into and is well thought out. So if anyone would be Interested in anything or like to make suggestions, let me know. I'm a rather moderately experienced rper and love to socialize and make friends :3