[h2][center][b]Silver Fang Korin's Tower[/b][/center][/h2] Fang listened to the other Beast-Man explain that he was in the same predicament as Fang and that meant both of them had the same problem. This told Fang that it would probably be best to stay close by Fenrir-O and try to discover the truth behind their sudden appearance in this strange world. His attention was then brought back to the white cat with the wooden staff and heard the feline speak about not knowing what the cause of their transportation into this world was. It sounded like the creature was annoyed about their coming to his home uninvited and that made sense to Fang. "My meditation showed me that this place was a focal point for strong spiritual energy in this world and I thought that the Great Spirit would show me the answers here. I see that this place has raised more questions than answers" he replied to Korin and kept a neutral expression on his face. The expression on his face didn't change even when he followed Korin's gaze to the five lights in the sky and even though he was not an advanced scientific mind, his senses were telling him that those lights were bringing something awful with them. "What are those lights in the sky?" he asked the white feline. Fang was getting a bad feeling inside of him when he looked at those lights. [@NacNak][@Holy Soldier]