[@beccaday02] I am looking at this on my tablet so things may be a bit different on a computer. Mobile gives a generic, non-styled look. [List] [*]Text is hard to read, both the colour and font. This can be seen especially in headers like "Welcome to no rest for the dead" and "characters and plotting" [*]Top banner is honestly a waste of space. It's a visual element that offers no info or real purpose. [*]While the theme is very post apocalyptic, it does feel somewhat generic with things like the biohazard symbol and burning fire. [*]That side bar is still visually seen in a thread, so on my tablet it takes up half the page. (Suggestion, move user profiles above post or remove that side element) [*]Don't understand what is the point of the biohazard symbols under usernames, especially with the admin's 25. If it's a rank then there are cleaner ways to organise this. [*]A lot of sub forums, not a lot of content. If you can condense this up it'll make the site look busier rather than having sections like "questions and concerns" empty. [*]Advert board is a terrible idea in my opinion. It's a place for spam and can take people away from your site. Sounds good for sharing sites and members, but people don't work like that. Catering for regulars is more important than the one who stops by. Ask any big business that and they'll say their regulars are who spread the word and keep returning. [/list] This is all just personal opinion too, so take it how you will. However the site feels very 2000'ish in its design.