Upon hearing these words, the wanderer lowered his head solemnly, as if to acknowledge the old man's words, but offered no solace. Instead, he inquired, his monotone voice displaying a hint of curiosity. [b][color=696969]"The Knights of Radiance... Unable to aid. Explain and I shall be on my way."[/color][/b] Times were difficult indeed, but a minuscule amount of the realm's manpower could be more than enough to root out a petty band of outlaws, without their absence being a hindrance. [b][center]***[/center][/b] Perhaps the moonlight was playing its' usual tricks on the old man's eyes, for the knight's hollow sockets seemed to ignite with a faint light at their very center as the former went on with his answer. When the fisherman was done speaking, the knight simply nodded, and faced eastwards. After taking a few steps forward, he looked over his shoulder. [b][color=696969]"Return to your village. You will find her at dawn's first light. Tell no one of what you saw today. Or else I shall return. For you."[/color][/b] And, with that, the knight vanished. One moment in plain sight, the other, nothing but a shadow darting amongst the trunks and foliage to his destination. Seconds turned into minutes. The full moon hung low. The forest thinned. He was there. The camp lay a good hundred yards away. Crouched and wrapped with his cloak, he formulated his next move.