[color=Blue][u][b]Kaddish[/b][/u][/color] The saiyan female's eyes widened the very second Nappa initiated his attack, it wasn't strong enough to her her but it was well able to kill the surrounding area of humans. [color=blue][i]A-all those people, for what?"[/i][/color] She though to herself, trembling as tears began to well up in her sky blue eyes. The initial blast vaporized her tears, whisking them away like they never existed. She focused on Nappa as he spoke up about power levels over a thousand on this planet. So why were these humans so defenseless, were they holding back? Kaddish shook her head, listening in on Vegeta and Nappa conversing about the dragon balls, she had heard them talk about them before, magical things that could grant any one wish. Vegeta's command snapped her out of her thoughts as she followed after the four, matching their speed. [color=Orange][u][b]Kental[/b][/u][/color] As they took to the skies, Kental shut his eyes for a moment, yawning some and stretching his arms mid-flight. "Hopefully these earthlings will put up more of a fight." Kental spoke with a smirk, soon they were nearing the training grounds where Vegeta had tracked the power levels. [color=Purple][u][b]Wolf[/b][/u][/color] Whilst in flight, Wolf caught sight of three beings standing among one another, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw two saiyans. [i][color=purple]"What?! Tails![/color][/i] Wolf thought to himself as the shock accompanied him, there were more saiyans? How was this possible, did Earthlings coexist with saiyans? [color=purple]"Vegeta, down there!"[/color] He shouted toward the prince, quickly flying down to land in front of Piccolo, Gohan, and Shadrok.