“Sir… Sir, please; I implore you to let me go. I have other guests who also seek my attention tonight.” Melanie said, doing her best to be as polite as possible despite the man pulling her through the crowd and towards the balcony area outside. His grip tightened on her arm causing her to say a soft “Ow.” And causing her face more strain then before. The young bureaucrat was around her age, maybe 5 years her senior at most and obviously used to the lifestyle of the rich and famous while poor Melanie could barely walk in heels. And… he seemed as though he was used to getting what he wanted. By the time they reached the outside, the noise of the attendees inside was next to nothing. Normally, something like this would be incredibly peaceful for the young lady; but right now it was more tense than ever and she couldn’t have felt more alone and venerable. “Sir,” She began, her voice sounding more forceful now that they had stepped outside, “I will ask you again. Please release me.” “Oh my dear Princess Elect.” The young man said, sounding much more aggressive in his tone as he pushed her towards the balcony and blocked her in with his arms to each side of her, his hands gripping the rails. “You shouldn’t be getting too… loose around the other bureaucrats. Your stumbling and tripping could be in relation to how you were raised but the wrong people could…” He leaned forward getting too close to her. “Get the wrong impression.” Despite her desperate attempt to be respectful towards this bureaucrat her age, he was getting beyond too close for comfort. The copper haired girl turned her head to one side looking away from him, her dark blue eyes shutting tightly as she let out a little whimper of, “Help…” Only to be met with the snicker of the drunken buffoon and a whisper in her ear that said, “No one can hear you.” Melanie drew in a deep breath ready to let out a ear popping scream of terror at any second despite her desire to stay as ‘regal’ as possible.