[@FrozenEcstasy]: Your characters are accepted. I edited the paragraph in section 2.1.3 of the Codex about the sixth sense a bit more: [quote]The [b]passive[/b] form of the sixth sense, always active by default, exists as a minuscule field of magic around the soul that weakens as distance increases, forming a basic image of its surroundings. It becomes weaker the further away it expands from the origin, and will have more trouble penetrating dense, powerful materials. The [b]active[/b] form of the sixth sense, activated at will by those more skilled, forms a more detailed image of the soul’s surroundings by sending out waves of scanning magic, a process not dissimilar to echolocation; it also weakens with distance. It is possible for the user to use more power or skill to make the scanning more effective. The mana of the passive sixth sense is extremely faint, and requires an incredible amount of skill to detect, but more powerful scanning magic like the active sixth sense is naturally easier to detect. Additional magical effects can also be used to make the scanning more difficult to detect. Note that even if the presence of a scanning wave is detected, it may not be possible to tell its exact point of origin, especially if it’s far away from the detector, as the wave front is likely to have expanded to the point where it resembles nothing more than a flat wall of energy.[/quote] Also added this at the end of the Alignments section in the opening post: [quote]Perhaps because of their extraterrestrial nature, the alignments of Light and Dark are potentially corrupting to one's soul. If a being is reckless in expanding the potency of her Light or Dark magic, or simply gives in to the corruption willingly, her power will grow more quickly than normal, at the cost of warping her mind and soul. Light-aligned warping causes her to become more adamantly and zealously believing in her ideals, while Dark-aligned warping causes her to become more willing to indulge in her desires and urges. This will eventually make her become the worst examples of angel or demon mentality as mentioned above; the more radical of angels and demons view this as a positive change that perfects the psyche. Hybrid alignments containing Neutral will dilute both the positive and negative effects of corruption, and the Light and Dark components in a Hybrid person can warp her in ways that do not cancel each other out. Of course, with sufficient care, anyone can train safely without being corrupted by her own magic.[/quote] Again, this was always supposed to be a thing, but I forgot to add it. It was present in another document of mine, and I forgot that it wasn't said here. So yeah, if you want to play as someone who got corrupted by her own power, now you can.