[center][color=00a651][h3][b]Elarinya[/b][/h3][/color] [b]Location: [u]South of East City[/u][/b][/center] [hr] Elarinya's eyes widen as a bright light engulfed the area ahead of her, though not a sight she had seen before her warrior instincts instantly recognized it as a Ki based attack. From the size of the blast it was obvious whoever had done it had quite a power level and she prepared herself for the incoming shockwave. As a natural flier she knew how to ride out such shockwaves so despite its power she had little trouble slipping through the worst of it without much worry. The trouble was not the shockwave but who had made the shockwave and she instantly flew to the ground after the blast to hide. A lot of the trees had kind of been blown down but they made good hiding spots so she had little trouble keeping out of view while she masked her power level. She watched as the group of five unknown aliens made their way southwest. Were they all capable of such destruction or just one or two? Elarinya was not sure but she needed to find out. [color=39b54a]"I don't know who they are but as my people's protector I need to know why they're here. I better follow after them...whoops!"[/color] She was just starting to come out of hiding to pursue when yet another of those same aliens chased after them and shortly after a strange being with tentacle hair she had never seen before. After they had both passed by Elarinya decided to follow along after those two as they were headed in the same direction, though making sure to stay low and unseen. [color=39b54a]"This is turning out to be one very eventful day. Not sure if I should be terrified or excited!"[/color] Her eyes were simply shining with curiosity as she gave chase so it was probably just a combination of both. [@Chev][@Archmage MC][@Stryder][@NacNak]