[quote=@The ghost in black] [@Zelosse] Name: Derus Wroght Age: 27 Element: Main: Earth, Sub: metal Appearance: [img]https://www.stihi.ru/pics/2015/09/09/3188.jpg[/img] Personality: You will most likely not find a more grounded and refined person from the town Derus had come from ((yes pun intended)). Even though he is a teacher he acts like one of the students most of the time, though Derus will get better serious once in a while ((most of the time is when he is around the Headmaster)). Don't piss him off or you will be in for various degrees of punishment, the same is true if you touch his "teaching material" without his permission. History: Derus teaches because he believes he can make a difference in the way the world sees Elementalist. He just wants his students to be successful in the world but he also wants them to be safe and have fun while doing it. Equipment: -His tome full of spells that have been written out -Fire-proof robe -random metal cubes of each metal Class Taught: beginner Metal/ intermediate Earth classes [/quote] I like it, Maybe you can write a little more backstory of him to give you character more depth. What you have now as backstory isn't really backstory but more something you would put down as sidenote or put it in his personality. Still I dont complain if you don't want to do that, just making suggestions for you :) You can post him in the character tab after Zelly gives green light. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ImLvaHD.gif[/img]