[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Darren%20Russell&name=Arista2.0%20light.ttf&size=40&style_color=4169E1[/img] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2013-10/enhanced/webdr01/20/10/anigif_enhanced-buzz-17739-1382277964-20.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] His room >> Main room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Himself, Mauriah Jones[hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] [@Dragoknighte][/center][hr] Darren smiled and waved to all the new arrivals, his eyes gleaning over the women that arrived to get a feel for first attractions. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time to stand around and chat before they were being shepherded off to their rooms by Mr Wadsworth. Darren heard the woman that had introduced herself as Clementine complaining to Mr Wadsworth and he snickered at the thought. She had a good point but he wasn’t really bothered by the issue. Just gave them more to talk about on these awkward first dates that they were all due to have. Finding his room on the first floor, Darren looked around the room appreciatively and began to unpack his things. Fifteen minutes later and he decided he could fit a quick workout in before showering and getting ready for the main event that evening. He stripped out of his clothes and decided to just work out in his boxer shorts, not like anyone would see him and if they did then they’d enjoy the sight so what was the harm? After his workout he jumped in for a shower and let the warm water relax his now taut muscles. He trimmed off the loose hairs of his short beard and styled his hair before walking into his room in his towel. Opening up the closet, Darren picked out his [url=http://media4.popsugar-assets.com/files/2016/01/21/717/n/1922398/92b69379e1062df7_506308700nvLht5.xxxlarge/i/John-Krasinski-London-Pictures-January-2016.jpg]outfit[/url] and got dressed. Everything was made out of lighter materials so he should be okay with the heat here and if he didn’t he could always just take his sweater off. Satisfied with how he looked, Darren made his way to the main room where a few people were already seated and waiting their dates to arrive. He glanced at the piece of paper for the date set ups and looked for his name. Mauriah Jones was who he was going to be seeing first. Looking around at the place names he noticed that she was already here. She was attractive enough but Darren wasn’t sure that someone with such a loud personality would mesh well with him. He scolded himself mentally when he realised he was judging this woman by her cover and that was not what he was here to do. He cleared his throat and sat down in front of Mauriah, holding his hand out to her in greeting. [color=4169E1]“Hi there Mauriah, I’m Darren but you probably already knew that.”[/color] He gave her a friendly smile and got himself comfortable in his seat. [color=4169E1]“This is pretty crazy, huh?”[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Imogen%20Badcocke&name=BonnardFLF.ttf&size=40&style_color=FF7F50[/img] [img]http://i.giphy.com/vpRYktGR3XIYg.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Her room >> Main room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Herself, Siobhan, Waiter [hr][b]Interaction Tags:[/b] None [/center][hr] Imogen felt a little overwhelmed as all the new faces began pouring onto the beach. She gave smiles and greetings in the right places but forgot to give her name after her first introduction. For some reason she felt a little out of her depth. As Mr Wadsworth came over and began to usher them off the beach and to the hotel, Imogen breathed a sigh of relief. She was silent all the way inside and nodded as Mr Wadsworth informed them that they could not interact with one another before the dating sessions had begun. That made some sense but she then wondered why they’d been gathered on the beach in the first place. Imogen made her way up to the second floor and walked into her room. She was stunned at the sight of it. She wished she could have brought her girls with her, they would have loved it here! She grinned and ran full pelt at her bed before throwing herself onto it like a small child. Her face was illuminated with joy and she fished her phone out of her bag before dialling Siobhan. [color=FF7F50]“Shy! Oh my god, ‘eh room is amazing. How are m’girls? Did they stop fightin’?”[/color] Imogen played with her hair while she listened to her sister. [color=palegoldenrod]“The girls are doin’ good, Immy. Stop fussin’! They’re nappin’ now but I’ll get ‘em to leave ya a voicemail before bed, ‘kay?”[/color] [color=ff7f50]“Yeah, that’ll be grand, Shy. Give ‘em tons o’ kisses from their mammy, ‘kay? Tell ‘em mammy misses ‘em sooooo much.”[/color] [color=palegoldenrod]“I will, I will. Now ya better get back ‘nd enjoy yer frickin’ singles retreat! Shoo, woman!”[/color] Imogen laughed with her sister and rolled her eyes. [color=ff7f50]“Yes mammy. Talk soon, love ya sis.”[/color] Hanging up the phone, Imogen let out a long, slow breath and took in the scent in the air. She could get used to this. Getting up from the bed, she decided a shower would be a good idea. She spent a good amount of time in there, trying to make the air outside feel cooler than it really was in comparison to the hot jets blasting against her skin. It kind of worked and that was good enough for her. Walking into the room, Imogen set about fixing her hair, make-up and skin for the night ahead. Satisfied with the final result, she walked to her bags and pulled out her pre-chosen [url=http://assets.elleuk.com/gallery/16625/elizabeth-olsen-miu-miu-club-fragrance-launch-july-2015-paris-getty-gallery__large.jpg]outfit[/url] for the first night. Content with her overall look, Imogen calmed the nerves in her tummy with a glass of cold water before making her way to the main room where she could see the others were already beginning to gather. Keeping to the rules, Imogen gave nothing but curt nods to the singles that were already here and she found her place at her table. Her date wasn’t here yet and she could feel the butterflies coming back already. She motioned for a waiter and asked for some iced water for the table before she was directed to the small jug that was already placed on every table. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment and she thanked the waiter before pouring herself a glass. Taking a mouthful of the cold liquid helped yet again but she had too much nervous energy. Grabbing one of the napkins, Imogen began to twist and twirl it between her fingers as a means to chill her jitters.[hr]