[center] interacting with [@Rin], [@Xtreme][/center] [h1]Damian Wayne-A Suddenly Crowded Alley[/h1] [b]What[/b] had she just said to him? That was not the proper response to a threat from Damian Wayne! She should be blubbering and tearful and begging his forgiveness before scampering home, not responding with...with...[b]sass and back-talk![/b] Had she called him 'kid' as well? No the only logical motivation for such idiocy was that she was under the delusion that he was another common child playing dress-up like herself, never-mind that his costume and equipment were both clearly far superior to what any ordinary urchin illegitimately playing at being Robin would be able to have. Before he could correct her on just how wrong and stupid she was with her assumptions they suddenly weren't alone in the alley. Assassins out of the darkness were nothing new for Damian, he had been dealing with similar things for as long as he could remember, but he couldn't help but berate himself for letting his anger over the false Robin cloud his judgement when it came to sensing the presence of this one. He didn't recognize the outfit, certainly not a League operative though. As soon as the threat was spoken a lifetime of training came rushing up to fill his mind as he began searching almost automatically for the best tactic to remove the the would-be killer. [i]Half a step out at an angle to clear his line of fire and quick-draw his grappling pistol while using the girl to conceal the nature of his movement from the enemy. Fire at close range aimed for the enemy's head over the girl's shoulder, at this distance the pressure should be sufficient to punch through the skull with the metal grapnel-head and-.[/i] -Wait, he wasn't supposed to kill, hadn't for over a year now. He forced the plan back down in his mind with swift, practiced discipline and came up with an alternative, though not an easy one. It began with a whisper through gritted teeth [color=firebrick]"Leave this one to me and run out the back of the alley while I hold them off. I can't concentrate on the fight properly while protecting an idiot at the same time."[/color] Still, he could tell that her reaction to this situation was as idiotic as the rest of her. She actually seemed excited to be in mortal peril! Didn't she understand that she was totally out of her depth here? Well, whatever then! He would have to finish this before she got in the way. To that end he drew six sharp bird-a-rangs (ridiculous name, but traditional according to Grayson) placed between each of his gauntlet-clad fingers, leaping above the girl and throwing them directly at his adversary in one smooth motion. They were aimed mainly at the legs and shoulders, less-than-lethal debilitating targets given the amount of force behind his throw even though he fully expected them to be dodged, caught or deflected. They were to buy him a split second's opening and distraction while he drew and palmed one of his tasers, coming down with a thrusting spear-hand meant to conceal the electric surprise until it had already made contact. If he couldn't fight to kill Damian could at least fight to [b]win[/b]. [color=firebrick] "-tt- Time to die? I guess that tacky costume doesn't come with a watch!" [/color]