A distinct, familiar scent wafted itself into the air, filling a small portion of a rough hewn trail that it was confined too. The vibrant eyes, alight with primal might, followed the nose as it drew in closer to inspect what it already knew; [i]mortal's blood[/i]. It coated a rare path, appearing here and there upon leaves, stones, and even the earth itself. Nothing much, so not a grievous injury, but a distinct one all the same to the heightened senses of the great feline form and its inherent connection to life as an overarching concept. Unexpected was this turn of events, the introduction of someone this far and lost from home, and with how fresh its scent was as it filled the fang laden jowls? Not long ago, either. The scale of a mighty paw toyed with the soil beneath it, turning it over and rubbing it in slight between the padded digits in thought; its tremendous pelt twitching faintly at the shoulder, the figure clearly debated if this had some sort of impact upon its goals. It was... strange, unusual at worst and a divine messenger at best. Few mortals would dare so far into the wood, so far away from home and safety. No less, the crossing of this path with his own was unlikely - he avoided dabbling in the affairs of the realm of men unless need be, but here in the domain of nature, this was his grant. Looking on, seeing the trail before him, the leviathan beast started quietly up it; almost fading from sight in the forest, its clever, yet ornate mixtures of earthen brown and rich tan rendered it near impossible to see between the trees and the rays of light that drifted from above. Each grand paw bringing with it no sound, it moved like the spirit of the wilderness that it was with graceful concealment. It would find this woman, whoever she was, and it [i]would[/i] learn why fate would have it that she crossed an aspect of this world's path. [@Ojo chan 42]