Sabriye walked and walked through the fores. The roof of leaves above her blocked any moonlight that might have reached her to illuminate her path. Fortunate for her, Sabriye lacked the need of light to 'see' as her bare feet saw everything with the help of nature. The black and grey inmage in her head guided her through the forest leading her to a big and old tree. She decided she had ran enough for today and wanted to lay down between the big roots that even grew above ground. Green grass grew on the ground and long vines made shelters between the roots. Big rocks laid here and there underneat the roots making it seem like the three had won a battle agains stone and time. As Sabriye made her way underneat one the roots coverd with vines her feet touched the cold moss that felt very soft. She decided this was the spot she would rest in and laid down her blanket before sitting on it. She laid down and relaxed, until a sharp pain in her feet interupted her from her attempt to sleep. The pain was only now noticably because the adrinaline of that night started to wear off, making her border of pain drop again. A small wound was located on the sole of her feet. It was not big, but it was big enough for it to have bled. [color=a2d39c]''Yaaraer lend me your strenght'' [/color]She spoke to the old tree as she read into his vines. The tree dicided to favor this young woman with his energie and help her heal. The old Oak introduced himself as Robur and with that ended their converstation, not granting any more time to this mere mortal that rested between his roots. [color=a2d39c]''Diola lle''[/color] Sabriye thanked the tree as her foot got healed, but again the tree spoke not. A yawn escaped Sabriye's mouth as she stretched herself, tired of running for almost an entire night. She curled around on her blanket, unbekownst of the foe or friend that might be lurking nearer than she realized. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity ]