[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v252/HlySd/FenrirAvy%20copy_zpsr0pjsa2q.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Fenrir-O (quadruped form) [b]Location:[/b] Korin's Tower [b]Mentions:[/b] Korin [@Weird Tales][@NacNak] [hr] Korin didn’t know any more about their mysterious appearance than they did. When he started walking toward the railing, Fenrir-O followed him to once again gaze out at the horizon, noticing the mysterious lights that had appeared in the distance. [b]…and besides…I don’t think your problems are the biggest to worry about right now…[/b] Fenrir-O’s muzzle wrinkled as he sensed the power levels. His sharp fangs were bared in his apprehension for the cat’s warning had unsettled him. He was silent as Fang continued to converse with Korin for his attention was across the ocean. [color=00aeef][i]These power levels…three of them far exceed any on this planet,[/i][/color] Fenrir-O mused. It seemed only minutes that after the lights had vanished that a white dome swelled in the distance. Fenrir-O’s fur stood on end and tail went erect in startle when he felt the energy washing over him, raising his heartrate. It had been an attack; an explosion of some sort. A bestial snarl escaped the wolf before a strong gust washing in from the sea bombarded the tower. Fenrir-O pressed his paw pads into the floor, his claws raking back across it as the gale threatened to throw him like it did Korin. He had only managed to snatch the cat’s staff, which was something he had been secretly wanting to chew on for a while—but now was not the time! [b]That power! It’s insane![/b] When the gale subsided, Fenrir-O set down the staff and placed a paw on it as though it were now his though it had been unintentional. Already, Silver Fang was jumping to conclusions. [b]We have to go and fight them. Every moment we take means that more people will die and as a warrior of my tribe I will not allow that to happen.[/b] Fenrir-O understood the pup’s haste, but he didn’t think it was the wisest decision. [color=00aeef]“We don’t know this enemy, and we don’t know this planet. Do what you believe is just, but I don’t run into a battle headfirst without knowing the battlefield,”[/color] Fenrir-O replied. The wolf then looked to Korin. He may not have known much about them, but he must have known something about this planet. Picking up the staff between his teeth, Fenrir-O walked over to the white cat and set it down before him. [color=00aeef]“What enemy is trying to destroy your planet?” Fenrir-O interrogated. “Who are you? Who are your strongest warriors? And what is your purpose here?”[/color] If he could get any insight as to what they had all walked into, then that was better than pure ignorance.