[h3][color=gold]Isa Grand-Arc[/color][/h3] Isa let out a hefty yawn as he closed the Archive window in front of him. Looking at the clock on the wall of his room, he realized the night had completely gone by. It wasn't anything unusual for him. He'd regularly waste the night away using his Archive to compose new songs and choreograph stage effects. He stood up from the chair and decided to take a shower and start the day. Isa emerged from the shower shortly with a towel draped over his head. Gathering his standard get up and gear he proceeds out of his room and down to the lobby. On his way down he leaves behind a common sight around him. Women swooning, red faced, sighing in reverie, or huffing in contempt. Such was the result of Isa's unintentional flirting as he made his way to the dining room. As he arrived he couldn't help but notice, though he probably wasn't any exception, a large pair of crimson wings sitting at a table. No one would blame him, but curiosity got the best of him and he sauntered over to the unusual sight. Summoning a small Archive screen he recorded the sight and saved the image. [color=gold]"If elbows on the table are a dining faux pas, I can only guess what this might be considered. Though, they are quite dazzling to look at~"[/color] Isa spoke as he approached the table, his usual speech patterns in full effect. [@t2wave]