BlackRabbit Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 25 [color=#4E78A0][i]Sigh, maybe I went a bit overboard at the boss fight.[/i][/color] BlackRabbit thought as he looked at his damaged Rapier. [color=#4E78A0][i]I should get it repaired sometime or it might brake during a fight which would be, really unfortunate.[/i][/color] He then put his weapon away and walked onwards. Unlike the other players who were celebrating victory BlackRabbit prefered not to 'waste too much time' like he called it and was already making preperations to head out again and explore the area. Although he first needed to find a merchant or shopkeeper to sell the loot he did not need and find someone to repair his weapon. [color=#4E78A0][i]Maybe venturing out into the next adventure will have to wait until tomorrow.[/i][/color] After some time BlackRabbit found an NPC where he could sell his loot, it wasn't much but enough to make some profit. He didn't decide on a job yet so to make money he sold the loot he did not need or simply could not process without a job. Besides selling his stuff he also bought a simple sandwich, you should eat from time to time, even in a game like SAO. He took a big bite out of it and was immediately disappointed. [color=#4E78A0]"It certainly leaves much to be desired, but its better than nothing... and it's cheap."[/color] he said to himself before he took another bite. [color=#4E78A0][i]Mental note, don't sell all the spices next time, even if they bring a lot of money at this level.[/i][/color]