[i]"Grenades!? Why must everyone and thing want us to blow up?!"[/i] shouts a soldier who unfortunately happens to catch the grenade then throw it back wherever it came from, a now abandoned spot. It's explosion sends two soldiers flying as the remaining twenty eight continue running for their lives both from the mad old lady and the even madder grenadier. [i]"Supernatural Underground anyone? Just hop in or those scientist thugs will have you as their minions' dinners!" [/i]The lady shouts as she finally hits the scientist fuel tank, which explodes, destroying two other cars near it. [i]"Hurry it up!"[/i] She shouts again as she begins trying to gun down the fleeing soldiers. Graham begins almost running towards the equivalent of the main security office for the scientist complex from the arena, desperately wanting to find out more about the Supernatural Underground. Hal meanwhile begins helping the caretakers try to clean up the arena. [i]"Oi you miserable git, me and these three other fine gents here ordered first, a good three minutes or so! So join the queue." [/i]The driver barks at Jason, one of the other soldiers pushes him almost onto the floor. [i]"Miserable young excuses for men around here, Paulson... Mind tending to this lady? Looks like a bit of brick cut 'er the poor thing[/i]." The driver says, becoming slightly sympathetic towards Willa and a differently dressed soldier attempts to help Willa bandage the leg. [i]"Mind I have a look? Might be brick fragments lodged in the wound, very bad for walking on."[/i] Paulson says rather sympathetically in a light Irish accent. [i]"Lads! STS!" [/i]The soldier in the van shouts. [i]"Alright! We'll be waiting Yale!"[/i] The van drives off with the shapeshifter in it. [i]"Captain, what the hell is an STS?" [/i]One of the other soldiers asks. [i]"A shape to shift Goldie, you can read the lingo leaflet in a minute, and good miss... Mind we have them to eat in while we wait for our friend?" [/i]The captain asks Teddy after handing the leaflet to Goldie who begins reading it after being guided to a table by the only quiet soldier, the captain then leans his rifle on the same table and takes off a bit of the armour, revealing more armour and placing the top layer on the table.