It wouldn't be long until one of the guards eventually told the king and queen, but at least she had a head start on the search. "Why wasn't Faeya watching her! They are practically inseparatable..." Annegien said to herself quietly, chewing over the thought. She sighed and went knit the village, asking the villagers if they had known the whereabouts of the princess. None of them had seen her. Annegien started to worry. [i] So if she wasn't in her room where she usually is, or out on her walk...Oh don't loose your mind. She's probably back at the castle. [/i] But the locked door to her room didn't make sense. Annegien rode for a while longer on her horse until she reached the Dark Kingdom. That place gave her the creeps. Her horse stepped into the territory only a few feet...She stared at the dark castle.