[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/3/39/Stingray_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20130910222256[/img][/center] "If I didn't know any better, I'd think these blue skinned Atlantians thought I was an idiot. How could I miss the guy spying on me while I was testing the suit out of water..." Walt thought walking back into Hydrobase. The twenty-something inventor hurried to a computer station and began checking several censors, cameras, and readings from several devices. While he was caught up in the study of the Atlantian, Walt failed to notice the Caucasian man with wings on his ankles who sneaked into Hydrobase while the oceanographer was testing his suit. Prince Namor crept into the computer lab where Walt had removed his Stingray mask. Walt wasn't paying attention to anything but the cameras and readings from outside of Hydrobase, had he been looking at the other cameras inside he wouldn't have been blindsided. "You will not put my people under your microscopes, surface dweller!" Namor shouted, grabbing Walt and throwing him into some tech and tools at a work station on the other side of the large room. "You don't have blue skin? Aaaand... you have tiny wings on your feet... Who else did I piss off?" Walt asked picking himself up out of the rubble and debris and putting his mask back on. "I am Prince Namor of Atlantis!" Namor said taking to the air and pulling a trident weapon from a strap on his back. "WHAT?!? You can fly too?!?" Stingray questioned blocking the trident thrown by the airborne Atlantian prince with his right fin. "Keep out of my ocean, surface dweller..." Namor said sternly picking up some debris and throwing it at the would-be hero, "You do not want me to return..." Walt was hit by the debris and didn't see the Atlantian escape. Picking himself up once again he thought... "THIS has got to be one of the CRAZIEST days of my LIFE!" he yelled out loud. ~KL~