[quote=@Space Communist] Well, while Grindelhooke isn't particularly rooted (lol puns) to forestry in particular (he's a restorer of [i]nature[/i], after all), it would make sense that he shares some backstory with the other two, moreso Nerine than [s]AyyLmao[/s] Aylin. For Nerine, I'd say he usually passed by her territory whenever humans mess up something in the forest, perhaps at Nerine's summoning or perhaps because Grindelhooke can just sense whenever mortals ruin nature. I think her view of him as either her pet or her servant could make for some good comic relief, as Grindelhooke wouldn't exactly view the situation the same way. Furthermore, perhaps it was Grindelhooke that convinced Nerine to join the demons? Or vice versa, who knows. Just a suggestion. [/quote] Well, I can certainly see her having him help restore destroyed parts of the forest that she wouldn't be able to revive. She can't bring dead plants and things, or heal them. She can only grow new things over the old. So yeah, if she could save that one apple tree she totally had a thing for she'd get him to do it :D And yeeeah, I can totally see some potential for comic relief there. She'd probably try carrying him around like a pet rock if he's small enough xD Hmm...he could have also been a deciding factor in her joining, certainly, though the Shamans of her tribe swayed her more than he would have I think. She may be whimsical and somewhat fickle, but she wouldn't have gone against something they seriously didn't like. [quote=@FernStone] [@Space Communist][@Rune_Alchemist]Yeah I think we can work something out between the two. Aylin views herself as te self proclaimed watcher of nature in the way of keeping balance - never taking to much ect ect. So she'll have undoubtedly gone through Nerine's area and been around Grindlehook. Thiugh im sure she'll have some issues with theatre at least. But yeah we can figure out some history [/quote] I think Aylin could be a good intermediary between humans and Grindlehooke and Nerine, actually. As you said, she's about balance, and Nerine and Grindlehook certainly aren't for balance - they'd both probably have the entire world covered in a forest, and let the animals do whatever they wanted to with the humans. I would say that ultimately Nerine doesn't hate or have anything against Aylin either A: She thinks she's cute B: Nerine does in fact, understand that humans need some things from the forest to live. She just doesn't trust them to only take what they need and nothing else. Especially after being trapped in a dark Iron Cell, chained to the wall without any soil, water, or light. I imagine during the war they sort of had a love-hate relationship perhaps? She probably would have even tried to repeatedly get Aylin to defect, though xD [quote=@Holy Soldier] Just a warning to the other demigods still in the spire/pit, Kalik is going to destroy this place lol. [/quote] Well, Nefas is destroying the prison above it (Kinda) So that's cool xD Need to go ahead and get Nerine out of there, though, in that case.