And I have finally stopped being a lazy bum and have finally gotten started on my app... and finished it. If anything looks wrong, just tell me as I kinda typed this up fairly quickly. [center][hider=Joseph Takuma][img][/img] [h3][color=a2d39c]"I enjoy watching dual destinies coming together; their fates intertwining!"[/color][/h3] [hr] [color=a2d39c][b]Name:[/b][/color] Joseph Takuma [color=a2d39c][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=a2d39c][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=a2d39c][b]Talent:[/b][/color] Ultimate Matchmaker [color=a2d39c][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/color] 185.42 cm/86.183 kg [color=a2d39c][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] As stated earlier, Joseph is a fairly tall individual, standing with a slack posture at the height of 185.42 cm, with a weight of 86.183 kg. Joseph also has a slightly tan complexion, and exhibits the appearance of a lanky individual with a slightly athletic build. His face is usually shown to be almost sleepless, frowning with eyes half open, as if he has insomnia of sorts; tends to yawn from time to time. Infrequently smiles, but is trying to get out of the habit of frowning. The boys hair has a dark-brown tinge to it, which looks like someone half-brushed before giving up and just letting it stay that way. In truth, the tangled mess that you call Josephs hair is something he doesn't bother brushing due to how difficult it is to straighten it out; it's as if it has a mind of its own, extending in all directions, comparable to a sun trying to grow towards the sun. His eyes are a deep shade of red; typically wears contacts versus using the prescription based glasses he bought. [b][color=a2d39c]Wardrobe:[/color][/b] For someone considered to be an ultimate, Joseph wears rather basic looking clothing, usually adorning himself with clothes that allow him to stay flexible and not cling to the skin at all. He has a selection of jackets to choose from, though he often sports a plaid jacket that is a shade of black and purple. His wardrobe for shirts is fairly simplistic as they just have one color, very seldom a second. Finally, he has a set of black pants which somewhat vary in colors, and a pair of black sneakers; sometimes he changes his attire with steel-toed boots. Other than that, it's fairly ordinary; no outstanding accessories usually, save for links of chains coming from near the right side of his pockets. Pretty normal, I guess. [color=a2d39c][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Often appearing cranky and restless, Joseph is a very outgoing individual who attempts to take on any ordeal or task about him, if it is within his reach. While seen as being relaxed in his speech, he becomes roused by new ideas that pique his interest, or new skills that he might procure that could assist him in the long run. He isn't quick to boredom though as he will make a major attempt to try and perfect whatever item he is working on. Determined and focused, Joseph does not mind a little challenge in his life... though it could sometimes be toned down. ... despite not being quick to disinterest, he can sometimes get distracted by other items plaguing his mind, or if something curious grabs his attention; this causes him to be prone to daydreaming a little more from time to time. Sometimes he might forget other things on his agenda, becoming a mixed bag of mathematics and squashing grapes; easily comparable to his mind. Usually breathes in and out, along with clasping his hands together when he realize this is happening to clear his head and identify the main subject. Also keeps a notepad and mechanical pencil on hand to jot down notes on a previous subject. Of course, moving onto his main profession of matchmaking, Josephis always quick to ship myriads of characters, regardless of if they click or not. He attempts to be a wingman at times, trying to always set up said person so they might encounter each other at a specific time... though his schemes usually end in defeat when said people catch on to his plans. Always seems a bit nervous when someone he likes approaches him and drops hints about them upgrading to becoming an official couple. With all this at hand, what are some flaws? Well, there has always been one thing that has constantly been nipping at his heels - doubt. That's right, he doubts himself and his own skills in putting two people together; this is one of the coupling reasons over why he refuses to pair a person with himself. Crippling self esteem issues are hidden behind that calm, happy visage of his. Along with that, he seems to be severely jealous of others from time to time, whether they notice it or not. Tends to start overworking himself if he feels lackluster and negatively comparable to other students, even his own friends are subjected to this too, whether they notice or not. [b][color=a2d39c]Likes:[/color][/b] Daydreaming, blueberries, learning new things, playing his saxophone, shipping people, and reading Lovecraftian tales. [color=a2d39c][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Limited freedom, sharp objects, wild berries, the feeling of inferiority, lackluster couples, and strenuous decisions. [b][color=a2d39c]Trivia:[/color][/b] His blood type is O. Can't seem to properly brush his hair, or others for that matter, period. Sometimes speaks with abstract mannerisms, ranging from peculiar comparisons to plain jargon. Has a collection of notepads down, ranging from quantum physics to certain ways on acting when on a stage. [color=9e0b0f][b]Willingness to become a victim:[/b][/color] 3[/hider][/center] Also, totally did not at all use a dice roller online to decide my willingness to kill off Joseph... totally...