[hr] [h2][center][u][b][color=SlateBlue]Shadrok[/color][/b][/u][/center][/h2] [sub][center][u][b][color=Green]Location: Gohan's Training Grounds[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center][u][b][color=Yellow]Status: Ready to fight, seemingly irritated....[/color][/b][/u][/center][/sub] [center][@NacNak] [@Stryder][/center] [hr] Before the saiyans arrived to their location, a few seconds after the shockwave of Nappa's attack sent gusts of wind past them. Shadrok spoke. Stern was his voice, quickly spoken were his words. "[color=SlateBlue]My name is Shadrok. I am no scout, nor do I know how I got to this planet. Looking at the current events time for discussions are over.[/color]" Right as Shadrok spoke the words 'time for discussions are over.' Wolf entered sight. Eyes widened ever so weakly, this individual had a possessed a dark or intense energy/power. Brow furrows while speaking. "[color=SlateBlue]What is this planet called.[/color]" Were the last words which Shadrok spoke. Tone almost sounds aggressive, frown would of been visible, if not for the scarf covering the bottom half of his face/chin. Focus was on Wolf and Piccolo. Trying to stay on guard for whatever may unfold.....