[img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/eade3ab494e58e4c822ada5047fe1b53/tumblr_inline_mlhct72IOL1qz4rgp.png[/img] Hell yes! Harubuki even got the GM! (Kind of.) This is totally hella! [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a89a6967e5b6d4091fa9d7f395ec1e5f/tumblr_inline_mlhct5dVWz1qz4rgp.png[/img] But Harubuki has to agree that they do take up some space, if they're too small it's weird...If they're too big, it's problematic. That's why I went ahead and got these medium-sized Harubuki sprites. [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/5919540b1069cb484cc8e78e8cc8c584/tumblr_inline_mlhctdyYcp1qz4rgp.png[/img] That reminds Harubuki of something, what of those in the Interest Check? Whatever happened to those old folks? Harubuki hasn't really bothered to check, but very very excited and eager to get the High School Life of Mutual Killing to happen soon!