He smiled as her question was posed. In terms of time spent at the facility, Sey was nowhere near new to the place. He had been chucked in shortly after, Roxy and had made numerous escape attempts shortly after he realized the place was less than amicable. He scratched his neck a small simper growing on his face as the sarcastic answer was made. He waited a small moment, hoping Avary would interject and introduce himself. But it seems the lad was rather taken aback by, Alyssa's confrontational response to him just before Sey had entered the room. [color=00a651]"Not really new to be honest."[/color] He spoke, glancing around the room once more. [color=00a651]"I've been here as long as Roxy, just managed to escape more times. They put me in this freaky-deaky holding place that my powers don't work in while they lined a lot of the rooms here with the same material that place was built out of. Don't worry though, shouldn't affect you as far as I know."[/color] His mind drifted back to his old holding room. It was comparable to Guantanamo Bay, a small room made from craggy material and was about as dirty as any public bathroom. The people keeping an eye on him did their best to provide him was amenities, but there comes a point where no amount of deodorant would get mask the smell. Thankfully he was out of that place now. He breathed in, that same confident, almost cocky grin remaining on his face as he took one last look towards the arena and continued speaking. [color=00a651]"So how many more of yo-sorry should say [i]us[/i] are there?"[/color] [@Always][@Overlord24]