Like water off a ducks back the doctors words fail to settle on or affect Avarius. [i]"You have two specialities yet hide them under the guise of one, your beliefs allow you to tie them together"[/i] he replies argumentatively. [i]"Traditions can guide, but followed too loyally without question will only hinder and bind greater progress. This establishment seeks to categorise, list, order, rank and control not only the summons but the summoner's as well. I too fear it will only take me so far."[/i] Unwavering in his decisiveness Avarius jumps from the bed and leaves the room, catching his class as they start to expel summoned energy into the air. Quickly taking a seat he tries to follow on, occasionally bothering those around him for advice. To his left a black ball forms in a students hand. Void of any light, it then shot out into the air. The boy smiled proudly with accomplishment. Avarius gives him a little elbow nudge, [i]"how'd you do that?"[/i][@Polaris North]