Ntaaj had forgotten how long he’s been traveling now. He would guess days, when in truth it has been at least a month. The trip here had been rather uneventful, save for a close call to a farmer’s scythe when he stole and slaughtered a pig for food. Ntaaj had chosen to flee to the land of the Veigers, Curaw specifically, to hopefully find gainful employment and perhaps companionship. The only company Ntaaj had was his horse, who seemed rather intent on leaving him as soon as he could. The stubborn steed has been useful so far however, so Ntaaj has no interest in releasing him from it’s service. Ntaaj noticed the smoke in the distance, but thought nothing of it. Plenty of reasons a village would have a large fire; burning crops, some sort of ritual, maybe they were burning a witch. He hasn’t heard of much bandit activity or wars going on, so he couldn’t imagine the village was being raided. And even if it was, what could he do? Sure he could kill a man, but he wasn’t about to stand against a veritable army alone. He was skilled, not stupid. Entering the city with no particular fanfare, Ntaaj looked around the somewhat busy streets. There were people milling about going on with their lives, completely ignorant to the dangers outside. Ntaaj smirked to himself. In the Khanate, him entering the city would be cause for concern. Usually because it meant there was a horde of cavalry around him. But Ntaaj was going to have to get used to being in cities without sacking them. He dind't want the guards to think he was up to something if he starts looking shifty. Ntaaj turned his horse to a stable for safe keeping and looked for work. He barely had enough money to stay the night, so with any hope he’ll find a job soon. And the best place to look for work was the tavern.