[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Aum6ALB.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3541399]Blin "Brytag" Alborse[/url][/center] Blin's head was clearer now, was it the light ball that had done that. He wasn't sure, the eye and scales within it still swirled as it clung to his chest. He didn't know wether to hold it or brush it away. He took a step back as the ball of light on Nikki changed into, what was that? A flying lizard? His eyes grow wide and wider still as Blank's ball turned into a wolf. Even the other girl had a smokey form taking shape while Blin's ball clung to his chest. He gently placed a hand on it wondering what it would transform into. "[color=bc8dbf]How on...What is happening?[/color]" It was fantastic and unreal what was unfolding before before his eyes. Even his own imagination struggled to keep up with events. Then the creature appeared and landed on a heavy branch, Blin gulped, Blank was the only one with a real weapon. The boulder began to rise in the air and the creature sent it flying in their direction with a beat of its wings. All Blin could do was repeat Nikki's instructions. It saved him once and he didn't have time to think before he moved. He bent his knees and sprung to one side, dropping his shoulder and attempted to roll out of its path and with one hand was unconsciously protecting the ball of light as he rolled away.