[img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/2573f399dd97089e301be9cdab2267f3/tumblr_inline_mlhctj3vgL1qz4rgp.png[/img] [@Pepper Fawntly] DR:AE has always been a mixed bowl for Harubuki. Sure, sure, it's nice to see them try something new and I can't deny I enjoyed the story and the new characters but it just felt...sort of shorthanded for me, I dunno. Now Dangan Ronpa 3 on the other hand... [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/b608a78e1a7b50070401ba724cca283d/tumblr_inline_mlhctxfWVR1qz4rgp.png[/img] That gets me so fuggin hype, yo! Harubuki almost wants to create a song about it! Also, [@Savo]nata totally has big sprite syndrome. He needs to git gud. [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/8fb387ab85a3d7c31ef75d00e58492ef/tumblr_inline_mlhcromCYy1qz4rgp.png[/img] But, jeez! Harubuki can't wait to get started! The old DR RP I played with, we couldn't even get past the first chapter! And just when there was a murder too. Harubuki remembers some of the colorful cast members she had back then...We had an Ultimate Vet, Chessmaster, Linguist, Blogger, Spy, Dark Overlord, Information Broker, Salesman, Stand-Up Comedian, Prince, Occultist, Guitarist, Assassin, Archer, and a Welder. Good times...Good times.