[center][h2][color=00aeef]Thor[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PzupDt5.png[/img][/center] On their way thor was advised to ride one of the horses so she could get some rest on their way towards the city they were headed. Thor kindly took the advice and rode on one of the horses between the Frenzy plant group. The animal didn't seem as pleased with Thor as Thor felt towards the horse. Thor tried to suppress her powers but due to the recent fight she had it seemed rather difficult to suppress the tingling feeling she gave the horse. It would sometimes try to get her off it's back but to no avail she would keep sitting. They would need to endure each other for the time being. It was a long tiring trip but it was needed to accomplish their goals. Thor hadn't spoken of shown any signs of interaction along the way. Some of the members of Frenzy plant tried getting her into a better mood but she simply couldn't. Maybe after a night of sleep it would get better but as to now there wasn't any sign of improvement. The sun was already setting when the guild master decided that they would set up camp and rest through the night. They were located on a high plateau that seemed about the ideal location right now, furthermore there was a small town located close by where they would be able to stock up on some supplies before they would venture forth again. Thor set up her tent further away from the rest of the group. It was a little reckless to do such a thing in strange territory but it was of high priority to her. Thor had gotten Heisty the smith to make a long metal rod for her that she could put down next to her tent. Knowing that he didn't speak the english tongue didn't hinder her from conversing with him, it did take some time to make everything clear to him but he was happily helping her in the end. He had gotten the rod for and also had gotten some metal wire so that she could lay wire throughout her tent and connect them to the rod. She was forever gratefull to the smith and had payed most of the expenses she made for him. The night went by quick but to no avail was there and thunder that helped her regain her lost energy, with the amount of electricity she had within her body it was hard to conjure a lightning strike on the spot unfortunately. Still the rod would make it a little easier for her to do. But now Morning had arisen again it was time to do other things rather than hunt lightning. The higher ups went out of their way to approach the village while the rest of the group peacefully went through the morning by hunting and the likes. Thor wasn't allowed to participate since her arm was in bad shape so she helped around the camp with simple chores that didn't require much stamina. Soon the higher ups were back and had gotten frenzy plant back into a frenzy, the members quickly disassembled the camp and already started moving, Thor made sure she didn't leave anything precious behind and followed. Her tent was still on the same spot knowing this was the best place to conjure lightning. She would have to walk between the two placed once before they would be moving the whole camp again so it was no problem for now. The guild enter the city, at first sight it looked horrible. It was undesirable on what state this city was in. It looked grim, everything was gray there were skinny people sitting all over the place starving to death with nothing to do and on top of that there was a burial going on, or what you would call a burial at least. Seeing that his much people had died in this short time was truly sorrowing. Thor squinted her eyes and turned her head back towards the group of Frenzy planters not wanting to see any more of it. With all the commotion going on within the group she could only barely notice Argus almost losing his composer seeing all this sadness around the city. Thor pushed her way through the Frenzy members and made her way towards Argus his side. She looked up at him seeing how irritated he was. He did not only display it but also let it know to the other members with his voice. Thor glanced down at his hand and placed her own hand onto it holding it softly with her own hand. She made sure he didn't get electrocuted by her passive ability so it would only tingle a little bit since it was hard to stop completely. She made a small smile towards him and let her soft voice sound for one of the first times ever to be in Frenzy plant. [center][color=00aeef]"It's okay..."[/color][/center] Her glance turned towards the front of the group again as they went deeper into the town to discover the truth about this place. [center][h2][color=f7941d]Isla[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IvqEVc7.png[/img][/center] Walking was a pain, to be exact why did she even have to walk! Why would she need to go with Frenzy Plant all the way towards this stupid plague thing. Her feet were sore and she hadn't slept well in days. This was truly slavery. She groaned and mumbled but they eventually set up camp. She was thinking about trying to escape when they were all asleep but knowing there were still lookouts she eventually decided not too. The next day she had to help out with washing clothes so that she could earn her food. She wore the same clothes as yesterday which would be a simple red tight shirt that looked like a mini dress and nothing more. It wasn't to bad actually but she preferred her own frilled clothes more. The whole camp packed again and went inside of the city to set up camp once more. During their entry Isla noted a rather weird person. She had been walking all alone the whole time and didn't look like she belong with the others. During her stay in Frenzy Plant she hadn't seen the person either so she might just be an outsider. It didn't look like she had a symbol of Frenzy Plant on her body either so it was unexplainable to why she was here in the first place. [center][color=f7941d]"Hey redhead, why are you here? You don't look like the Frenzy Plant type. Are you perhaps a spy? Nihihi."[/color][/center] She placed her hands on her back bundled together and bended her body over a little as she stared at the red headed girl waiting for an answer.