Roark sniffed the air, nodding at the scent of fresh food. Finally, after days of traveling, eating what little food he could gather in the wild, and avoiding war parties and mercenaries he had made it to a city. Not that he liked Dhirim. He'd much rather be back in Wercheg where things were somewhat familiar, but it would do for now. He needed money, and the best way to get it was to take a job. Thankfully the guildmaster was standing outside. Hopefully he'd offer Roark a decent job that wasn't just fetching goods. The last time he did one of those he was still a Raider, and he'd had to find someone in town to steal it from. He wasn't sure he wanted to risk getting on the guards bad side. "Oy, Old man," Roark said, walking up to him. "Got a job for me?"