[hider=Kiara Bastion][u][center][h3][color=0072bc]~Kiara Bastion~[/color][/h3][/center][/u] [hr] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/vsZOfsp.jpg [/img][/center] [center][i][color=0072bc]"The fate of me and those around me are one and the same."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [b][color=white]Name:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Kiara Bastion[/color] [b][color=white]Gender:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Female[/color] [b][color=white]Age:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Physically appears around 19 though her specific age is guessed to be older than that.[/color] [b][color=white]Title:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]The Unilyst of the Court[/color] [b][color=white]Height:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]155 cm[/color] [b][color=white]Weight:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]53 kg[/color] [b][color=white]Hair:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]A dark brown coloration, dark enough to almost be considered black. She keeps it long and straightened to the point where it flows easily down her back.[/color] [b][color=white]Eyes:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Light blue that can transition whenever she uses her Flame Haze powers; when doing so, her sclera becomes a deep red hue.[/color] [b][color=white]Skin:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Fair and light.[/color] [b][color=white]Personality:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Originally a staunch advocate for "justice and truth", the harsh reality of the world has made Kiara a bit cynical over the years. Despite this, she still cares deeply for the people most close to her and still retains a sense of duty when it comes to helping out other people. She likes to keep up an image of carelessness and humor, especially in the midst of combat. However, this free nature of hers can lead to dangerous results when faced with an enemy's intent on killing. Although generally working alongside any Flame Hazes she meets, Kiara very much has her own agenda, though it's nothing for her fellow partners to be concerned with. All she wants is to keep her world safe; helping out the other Flame Hazes is just the best way to go about that. She does not view herself as inherently good as she does not believe in a world so black and white. If something seems like the right thing to do, she will do it, even if it does end up causing trouble later down the line. In this respect, she can appear naive and sometimes even selfish. But in the end, she'll use her blade only when it is backed by her full resolve and devoid of doubts. [/color] [b][color=white]Likes:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Blueberries, music of all kinds, detective stories.[/color] [b][color=white]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Conflict, being kept in the dark, cherries.[/color] [b][color=white]Quirks:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Usually has an mysterious aura about her, as if she knows more than she lets on. Whether this is true or not is hard to tell, but she covers it up by smiling. Alot.[/color] [b][color=white]History:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]A girl who has no recollection of her past life before becoming a Flame Haze. Memories are few in between, especially in the last majority of her life. Instead, all she has to go by is a name and a strange sword. Taking up the weapon known as Volunta in hand, Kiara wanders the earth in search of purpose and identity. In that time, she has found allies in several Flame Hazes across the land. Whether she has recovered her memory and is merely feigning amnesia is a different issue entirely.[/color] [b][color=white]Weapons:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]The Volunta, named after the Crimson Lord, is a Japanese chokuto with two three-barreled revolvers melded onto each side of the blade above the weapon's guard, with a dark blue coloring patterned on the hilt. The weapon can fire out short bursts of blue flame that can propel the user, giving them speed and distance. Furthermore, the melded guns can fire off shots of fire and the user can slice crescent waves at the enemy. Other than that, it's retains the functions of a regular sword. Finally, Kiara possesses one final trick in her arsenal; a desperation attack where she charges forward and plunges the Volunta into an enemy's chest. The weapon will then drain that being's very power of existence away. However, the technique itself drains away her own power of existence if used, so she must ensure that her target gets taken out with the move in order to survive the attack.[/color] [b][color=white]Color of Flame:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Blue.[/color] [b][color=white]Powers:[/color][/b] [i][color=white]-Fang of Volunta:[/color][/i] [color=0072bc]With assistance from Volunta, Kiara can manipulate her blue flames and release it through her weapon. As such, she is able to fire crescent waves of fire or bursted shots for long range-capability.[/color] [i][color=white]-Eyes of Volunta:[/color][/i] [color=0072bc]By syncing with Volunta, Kiara can enhance her vision to see the central point of existence within other beings. As such, this power gives her insight on where to best strike in defeating a foe. When in this state, the sclera of her eyes becomes a deep red hue though too much exposure gives her the risk of turning blind.[/color] [b][color=white]Unrestricted Spells:[/color][/b] [i][color=white]-Synthesis:[/color][/i] [color=0072bc]Kiara retains only one unique spell, and that is the ability to make others forget her own existence. She can apply this in a number of ways, even in combat situations. She can appear and disappear in flashes of great speed and dodge attacks, not because she is ungodly fast but because she can make the enemy forget in brief moments what they are attacking. As such, it’s not uncommon for onlookers to be amazed at her impossible feats when in reality, they are merely forgetting Kiara's existence in that time frame. This spell of course must be monitored at all times. Synthesis is a power directly tied to Kiara’s emotional output. Therefore, she must be careful, lest she accidentally erase her own power of existence from people’s memories permanently. Fortunately, her power existence can be replenished in worse case scenarios by utilizing the final function of her Volunta.[/color] [i][color=white]-Seal:[/color][/i] [color=0072bc]Places an area inside of a seal[/color] [i][color=white]-Restoration:[/color][/i] [color=0072bc] Restores a sealed area to its original state, including the creation of Torches, the greater the damage to be undone, the more power of existence will be consumed.[/color] [b][color=white]Equipment:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc] Nothing particular at the moment.[/color] [hr] [u][color=0072bc][center][h3][i]~Crimson Lord~[/i][/h3][/center][/color][/u] [b][color=white]Name:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Volunta[/color] [b][color=white]Title:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]The Fang of Will[/color] [b][color=white]Gender:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Female[/color] [b][color=white]Keepsake:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]A silver necklace kept at all times around Kiara’s neck. In the center is a small, blue jewel.[/color] [b][color=white]Personality:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Volunta matches the personality of her Flame Haze and it’s not uncommon to hear rumors that the two have influenced each other in manner of speaking and actions. She mostly keeps to herself, trusting in Kiara to confidently speak for the both of them. When she does make her mind known, she does so with independence and a desire to help, though she will always put Kiara as the first priority.[/color] [hr] [u][center][h2][color=0072bc]~Theme~[/color][/h2][/center][/u][center][youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUyaBEaFI-4 [/youtube][/center][/hider]