[@ConstantlyComic] For some reason I just can't get the scene out of my head where Goliath is fighting Gilles de Rais and destroying all his art, and Gilles of course is fliping his shit and is just like "YOU BASTARD! YOU MONSTER HOW CAN YOU DESTROY SUCH WONDERFUL ART!? YOU PHILISTINE!" And then Goliath stops in his tracks, his Mad Enhancement banished. Slowly he sinks to his knees and a single tear rolls down his cheek. "B-but..." The once mighty warrior stammers. "I [b]am[/b] a Philistine." Then of course Gilles stops his ranting and casts his eyes shamefully downward before going forward to pat the sad giant on the shoulder and leand him the much needed emotional suport. One by one, all the other Masters and Servants of the war join in.