Rebeca met the blonde man's gaze, and frowned as he pulled a face, like he had bitten into a long over-ripe Rawst Berry. [i][color=crimson]Sheesh, what's HIS problem?[/color][/i] Mihkail watched as he attempted to leave, but was nearly mobbed by the crowd of girls. [i][color=e25822]Dunno. You see those markings on his skin though? They flashed.[/color][/i] He rumbled in his throat. [i][color=e25822]Remind you of anyone?[/color][/i] Rolling her eyes, Rebeca shook her head. [i][color=e25822]Another one, huh? Guess this place really is pulling them all out of the woodwork.[/color][/i] [color=DE0914]"Urm... excuse me, sorry for disturbing you. But I don't know where the toilet is, do you know where it is?"[/color] She turned in surprise, and stopped dead. Her mouth suddenly went dry, and she found herself staring at the very, [b]very[/b], pretty blonde girl in the red dress gazing up at her. "[color=crimson]Uuuh... I'm sorry, what?[/color]" For a moment, Mihkail looked at the girl, then very slowly turned his gaze on his sister. [@Salrynn]