[@Caits] [color=00aeef][b]FERRIS[/b][/color] He stared into space as he showered, ever slowly beginning to wake up from his dazed state. So, what was the plan with Jess today? All he could remember was that they were going out to meet someone though he just can't remember the damn person. Oh well, he'll just ask her who they were going to meet. How bad could it be? Ferris soon finished his shower and dressed in a casual men's khaki blazer, a white v-neck, and jeans. He had spent more time styling his hair than the average person should. As usual, vanity certainly proved to be one of his main traits. Still, it did help him make him look ever so fabulous. One doesn't become a famous model without a single ounce of vanity. He looked in the mirror and gave himself a wink before walking out of the bathroom with absolute confidence in his appearance. Then that confidence took a cliff dive as soon as he saw what Jess was doing. Panicking internally, he thought to himself,[color=00aeef][i]Oh shit oh shit oh shit shit shit shit![/i][/color] She was reading one of the comics he had bought before the games and hadn't gone around to to reading yet. It was pretty much Fairy Tail's equivalent of The Avengers, which has pretty much earned a massive fan base in mainstream culture though Ferris enjoyed them before they were popular. So why was Ferris ever so worried about Jess reading his comic? For starters, he was a closet nerd. He never showed anyone his nerdy side of himself and as a model it was crucial he didn't reveal it to the public since he was marketed as a suave, cool character. Secondly, he didn't want her to spoil it for him. [color=00aeef]"Hey Jess! What'cha reading!"[/color] Ferris hopped on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. Maybe he can play it off and convince her that it wasn't his? [@Lugubrious][@Raijinslayer] [color=ed1c24][b]ENMA[/b][/color] Enma glared at Argus explode in his own rage as well, which was directed at the oni for his own anger. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Enma would've loved nothing more than to make Argus know the flavor of dirt at the moment, but Sanders had already intervened before things between them could've gotten heated. Kilo would take the God Slayer away though it seemed that it wouldn't be doing much good since both of Enma and Argus' outbursts had drawn the attention of the cleric with the spiked club had approached them. Apparently, Enma's concerns about a sickness were completely wrong as it was just the only funeral of the town's only pyromancer. The oni flushed in embarrassment for jumping to conclusions and embarrassing the guild though why did it feel like that there was just not something right with this place. It didn't make sense; Belka was a town famous for its medical knowledge and yet death was everywhere. It has looked like that there were many cremations as of late so there had to be an illness. What the hell was going on in Belka? He glared at the cleric. He hated it here. It was foul, much more foul than what the yokai were capable of. Even in his village, there was no poverty on the same level as Belka's. It would've been a stain on his noble heritage and a disgrace as a main leader of his own home if there were those who lived in such meager conditions. His thoughts returned to that noble in his frilly attire, how well fed and clean he looked. How could someone like him let this kind of squaller happen? What kind of person can let his own kind fall into such a state? Was this just human nature?