[@Lugubrious][@liferusher][@hatakekuro][@zarkun][@lunarlors34][@raijinslayer][@Caits] [color=1a7b30][h2]Ike Riven[/h2][/color] The walk to the city was nothing to worry about, except Gabriel denying the offer to ride on horse back and collapsing a few moments later. yet that fixed itself and they would set up camp a while later, and then the next day arrive in the walls of Belka, which was pretty shitty looking, considering some fatass was dressed wonderfully. Enma would flip out followed by Argus to whom the latter got a nice nifty companion now, while the chubby man with the club told Enma that it was the ashes of the pyromancer who died when his house caught ablaze and collapsed on him, yet he made it seem like this was an accident. This man felt like a fat blub of lies, he was certainly leaving something out of the story, yet Ike simply kept his composure and just stuck with the group. Yet he being somewhat close he saw and hear Isla start speaking to the red head that Riona was with earlier and heard Isla ask her a question. This resulted in him picking up a pebble and tossing it at her, hitting her arm. If she would look too see, she would find Ike glaring at her, giving a look that practically said, that if she dared do any dirty tricks that he would finish what he started a couple days ago. He would then proceed to march over to Sanders and whisper him a question. [color=1a7b30]"Sir are you sure it was wise to bring that little toad with us? Couldn't we have just handed her off to the law enforcement and let them deal with her? I don't trust her enough to not screw this up."[/color] This most likely sounded like a personal grudge which it somewhat was, but he wasn't lying either. It was shady enough and with everyone so far flipping out and a shady place already. Should they really just have her wandering about?