Aulfr shook his head, already denying her offers and suggestions. His father was older now. He was slower and weaker, and his experience doesn't give him an overwhelming superiority anymore. "Nay, my dear. I want you to teach me how to use it- I already have many advantages, but using a weapon no one has heard of- not around here, at least- will give me an even bigger one. I can adapt and react quickly, so once I know the differences and similarities between this and a normal axe or sword will allow me enough to use it as both." He paused for a moment, before slowly setting his khopesh aside. Standing, he slowly walked up to Aleksandra. Smiling almost as slowly as his gait- an uncommon soft, gentle, invitingly warm smile, he continued. "However, I've just realized my poor timing. Hardly fair to make you work after relaxing from your own training." He reached up to gently stroke her somewhat damp hair. "I suppose we could relax for a good bit. There really isn't any hurry, at this point."