Fiona could see one of the men she'd brawled with, in the fight that had landed her in Meir Thorvale's prison. He was an able man, having worked as a guard for trading caravans, if she recalled correctly. She [i]had[/i] been quite drunk. Regardless, the man had traveled extensively throughout High Rock, and apparently passed through White Haven, and heard of the trouble she'd caused, and the trouble that had befallen her. The Penniless Sellsword, a lowly rabble-rouser, an Imperial girl that needed to go back to her home. But Fiona had been born in High Rock, and never once set foot beyond its borders. The comment about her mother, unsurprisingly, was what set her off. Big words about running off to play the hero, and gathering other would-be heroes to her cause, and she couldn't even protect one defenseless person, her own mother. Fiona didn't remember much after that, not until she woke in prison with a dull, aching pain in her ribs, a bruised jaw, and dried blood all over her knuckles. Destruction of property was the official charge. Fiona was thrown in jail for it, while the men she fought were allowed to go free. Outsiders, especially those as lowly as Fiona, were not treated kindly here, apparently. Despicable lords of High Rock, each in their own way. Of course, it now seemed as though being in prison saved her life, as the man she'd brawled with sat with his back up against the front step of his house, a javelin punched clean through his chest. He died quickly, while Fiona was chained and kneeling, helpless to do anything about it. It was for the better, she knew. Had she her freedom and her blade, she'd have tried to stop the senseless killing, and undoubtedly ended up one of the slain, for foolishly taking on a whole host of raiders. Such was her way, for better or worse. [color=salmon]"So we're to be hired thugs, so we can avoid being labeled as bandits and marauders? What a kind offer."[/color] Wisely, she'd held her tongue until after her new and sudden employer had departed, and her hands were freed from behind her back. She rubbed at her wrists. It felt like a sickening job already. Pulling some noble from the castle of another noble. A dispute, no doubt, probably petty, and probably costing the people far more than the nobles who felt so wronged by each other. A large assumption to make, no doubt, but Fiona had grown accustomed to disappointment when dealing with High Rock's nobility. She took one look at the coin pouch tossed at them, and moved past it towards the jailhouse and her things. [color=salmon]"I'll stay with you,"[/color] she said, in response to the healer, [color=salmon]"and watch your back. Might not be safe here still."[/color] Fiona figured the woman was capable enough, but still, focus was required to heal, and that would leave her vulnerable. As the first person who didn't seem deplorable here to Fiona, she figured it would be prudent to watch out for her. She followed behind into the jailhouse and found where they'd dumped her belongings. Her jacket she threw on first and laced up, for at least some protection from the cold. She observed some of the possessions of the others as she buckled on her belt, noting the diversity of it all. Her armor, what there was of it, had been stuffed into her bag with the rest of her modest possessions. She'd throw it on later. Fiona grabbed her two-handed sword and headed out. The scene outside was brutal, but Fiona did her best not to focus on it, instead watching her surroundings for any threat. The fires would potentially draw things to them. She ran a hand through her fiery hair, exhaling heavily. It was a lot to take in. [color=salmon]"This is horrible,"[/color] she said to the healer, slowly starting to bind a few mismatched pieces of armor to her upper body. [color=salmon]"Senseless. I won't work for these butchers, reward and cleared name or no. I'd sooner cross swords."[/color] Perhaps there would be an opportunity, down the line. But for now, there was little choice.